Just found out a few minutes ago that my boyfriend has cheated on me for the third time in the four years we have been together. the first time it was actual sex with an actual human being the second time he was cheating on me with some girl online that he met and he went to go meet her and somebody sent me the photos and then the third time this time he was seeing some girl that he met at a bar or something and he had gone to see her multiple times he says that it was during the one week that we broke up because we are having other issues. But I don't believe him I know it was in March but I don't know if it was for all of them or just a week. I'm tired. He always manages to come up with some kind of way to paint himself in a better light to apologize and seem like he should be forgiven and make some kind of decree that he will be a better man. This is hard for me because my parents cheated on each other a lot when I was a kid especially my dad and my mom so I naturally have trust issues and don't want to end up like them. This is the third time so obviously I have forgiven him in the past I don't want to look like an idiot I feel like an idiot I don't trust him and I don't know what to do. I believe him when he says that he loves me and then he hasn't cheated on me in the last couple months or in the 2 years between the last time he cheated on me. I don't want to sound like we're 2 dumb teenagers get in fights and break up every week we're really not we plan to get married we live together on our own we pay our bills on our own.
that we are young and I don't know what to do cuz I haven't had a lot of boyfriends or a lot of experience or know anybody with experience.
that we are young and I don't know what to do cuz I haven't had a lot of boyfriends or a lot of experience or know anybody with experience.