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GF deleted a text

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  • GF deleted a text

    My GF has an issue with male attention it seems to me. She has 3 men two that she dated that she still speaks to. They still hit on her regularly and she doesn't tell them about me or set boundaries. Her ex still texts her "Can I come over" "Do you miss me" etc. He's been doing this for a year. Was far as I can tell, she doesn't respond or says Nope or No thanks. This has been an issue for a year. Recently, she met a man at a group and somehow they exchanged numbers. I immediately asked why as she has a boyfriend and also suggested the man would be inappropriate in a short time. One day I was standing near her phone and the message came in The meeting was good but would have been better if you were there. I knew than this was happening. I asked her about it and she said he was sending meditations and sent me a screenshot which showed meditations but also said I got an offer for the job and she said Yay so more was going on. I had had enough so not my best moment she left her phone out and I looked at the text message to the gentleman and the threat had been deleted. I know one existed bc I saw it. I had it and told her the next day that we couldn't be together until she got that sorted. Its all Benn shady AF. Im not crazy.

  • #2
    The hard truth is that your girlfriend doesn't love you. If she loves you, then she will respect you. She shows no sign of respect for the relationship and so doesn't love you.


    • #3
      I think you deserve someone better. She treats you like dirt, and it's going to affect your confidence with time.


      • #4
        so you are looking for a girlfriend that never chat or associate with other men? good luck with that fantasy. she obvious deleted to avoid fight to you about insane jealousy.


        • teemoo215
          teemoo215 commented
          Editing a comment
          Other men. No, men that consistently hit on her recklessly. In your relationship ,do you get men's numbers that you don't know? Insane jealousy? Typical female point of view.
          Its about respect and consideration for our relationship. When I mentioned any woman I knew, the first thing she said is "Did you tell her you were in a relationship?" Apparently, she didnt have to play by the same rules. The truth is not telling men who hit on you and you speak to consistently youre in a relationship or set boundaries is dishonest. It makes you a liar by omission. Deleting texts makes you a liar and a cheater so stop with the insane jealousy. You dont have a clue.

          Click image for larger version

          Name: ifyoure.jpg
          Views: 1
          Size: 19.9 KB
          ID: 20772

      • #5
        Other men. No, men that consistently hit on her recklessly. In your relationship ,do you get men's numbers that you don't know? Insane jealousy? Typical female point of view.
        Its about respect and consideration for our relationship. When I mentioned any woman I knew, the first thing she said is "Did you tell her you were in a relationship?" Apparently, she didnt have to play by the same rules. The truth is not telling men who hit on you and you speak to consistently youre in a relationship or set boundaries is dishonest. It makes you a liar by omission. Deleting texts makes you a liar and a cheater so stop with the insane jealousy. You dont have a clue.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	ifyoure.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	19.9 KB
ID:	20772


        • #6
          very insecure dude set for a very lonely life for sure. you have my sympathy. hopefully she has already left a trail away from this abuse


          • teemoo215
            teemoo215 commented
            Editing a comment
            No, I left a trail. I don't date attention seekers which Im sure you are. If you need the validation of men bc of low self esteem then take that somewhere else. Feel free to check out where the same question is posed. Search for the post and see what the responses are. You're not just in the minority, you're the only one with this opinion. Funny how women when acting dishonestly play the insecure card, Its just gaslighting as to not look at one's actions. With 122 posts you clearly feel like you're an authority but probably have little life experience to back it up. save your judgements for the adolescents...

        • #7
          i am sure my experience far exceeds a self centered misogynist woman hater.


          • #8

            Well first of all, misogynist and woman hater are synonymous so you aren't using them correctly. Perhaps more time learning vocabulary, usage of the English language and less gaslighting on relationship forums is in order. Good Luck with that...

