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Should I reject him???

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  • Should I reject him???

    I love a boy and he’s already had a girlfriend. He also loves me. We talk to each other about how we both feel. One day, his girlfriend wanted to break up with him and he didn’t refuse. He asked me if I could be his official girlfriend but, he still loves that girl and he wants to be together with me because he also loves me. HELP ME PLEASE

  • #2
    Originally posted by Sophal Linna
    he still loves that girl and he wants to be together with me because he also loves me.
    I'll advice you don't accept because if he still loves that girl, then you are going to be second best. If he loves you as much as you claim, he should have since broken up with the other girl to be with you. So, don't allow yourself to be a fall back girl, because he obviously loves her more than you.


    • Sophal Linna
      Sophal Linna commented
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      Thank you so much

  • #3
    He's still with his girlfriend, whatever he's doing with you know is cheating. Until he breaks up with her, don't agree to be his girlfriend. Also, don't allow him breakup with his girlfriend just to be with you. It must happen naturally, otherwise you will be hurt in the relationship.


    • Sophal Linna
      Sophal Linna commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you so much <3

  • #4

    tell him you don't double team, he needs to be yours full time or not at all.

