I have been together with my boyfriend for seven long years. We have enjoyed so much together, created memories together and even had travelled abroad together. For those seven years of loving me, he never failed to make me feel that I am special and how genuine his love is for me. I can’t see my future without him. However, when he proposed to me, I was dumbfounded not because I was surprised, although I really am but because I didn't know what to say; I didn’t know what answer to give him. I stood there quietly like everyone around us did as he was kneeling on the ground, waiting for me to answer. It took me a while to tell him that I needed time to decide and I saw his eyes that seemed to be disappointed. I just am not sure of what I should say. I love him, I do. I am just not ready for marriage yet.
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I am unsure if I should say yes or decline.
The best thing to do is to tell him you aren't ready for marriage yet. It's going to hurt him but he will eventually move on. However, if you decide not to tell him and continue stringing him along, he'll tag you as an enemy when you eventually breakup with him after a long time. So, it's better to do it now and still remain friends, than do it later and become an enemy.