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My Girlfriend Felt I Lied To Her

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  • My Girlfriend Felt I Lied To Her

    Hi everyone, the brains trust of relationships! I hope!

    I have a challenge I was hoping to get some expert advice on, my partner (6 months) and I have been struggling in the past few days in context to lying. Basically here is the rundown; we came home from a trip away, she was very tired and wanted 'alone time' and asked I give her space, asking me to work from the lounge room. I put on the washing, and went and opened my laptop and worked for several hours, when I finished I noticed the dryer hadn't finished. So I watched a bit of Netflix (25 min), and then finished my to-do list for the next day and folded the dry washing. It was late (11:15pm) so I went to bed and found her asleep.

    The following morning I woke to a question (within the first 60 sec of waking), 'What time did you finish working last night?" I said "around 11pm." Then she said "I came out last night at 10:30 and you were watching TV", I said yes and explained the above. She saw this as a Lie or ommission and felt I have betrayed her trust.

    My personal thought was that I just generalised my initial statement, as I worked both before the tv and after. I saw it as a question as to when did I finish last night. She insists I take responsibility for purposely lying, I don't feel in my heart that I did. She says that's even worse as it shows subconsciously I hide things.....I don't know what to do....or think.

  • #2
    I think your girlfriend is just being childish, this isn't enough for her to feel you betrayed your trust. However, I will advice you apologize to her and let it slip away.


    • #3
      If you have lied before in the past, then you have obviously betrayed her trust because of this you did. However, if you haven't lied to her in the past, then you have done nothing for her to feel you betrayed her past. I think she just over-analyses things.


      • #4

        It seems like she has trust issues. If you never lied to her before or broke her trust in you in any way, the problem is totally on her. You should sit down with her and openly ask her to talk about the issue. Tell her you don't want her to think that you lied to her, and what happened was a misunderstanding. She must listen to you because communication and trust are some of the most important things in a relationship.

