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How to act around your ex when only two of you hang out?

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  • How to act around your ex when only two of you hang out?

    Hello, some "inside info" first
    Me and my ex broke up 1 year ago (it was my first love, insecurity and neediness paid a big role, I begged cried etc... Im over that). We started to talk to each other about month ago, she started to treat me like a friend so I had to set my boundaries and told her that we are not friends and never will be (I still care for her too much to be friends, though I don't love her... ya know first love). About a week ago I invited her to go on a "night ride" with me in my car, just two of us. I dont even know if I can consider this as a date, but she said: "Why do you want to go out with only me when we arent even friends? If we were friends, okay but like this?" After me replying to her that I want to drive with her and that she will have a great time with me, she accepted... The thing is, I do want to know her, I still like her and understand why the breakup happened. Im not craving for her, since the breakup I had a plenty of girls but now she appeared in my life and our relationship was only 3 months long, maybe this time it could go better who knows, in the end she isnt the only girl in the Universe.

    My question for you guys is, how should I behave in front of her? Should I try to seduce her, should I compliment her or what should I do? I texted her that it's just you, me and stars in my car listening to music (she liked it a lot when we were driving with her friends last time). Im planning to smoke some weed with her (she smokes sometimes, I do too so why not?) and just lay down on the grass and watch the stars. I don't know if I should compliment her looks. You know, it's not a typical "date" or "hang out" with a girl, this one is kind of complicated because of the past experience with her. I changed a lot since the breakup and so did she, but I can say both of us "rised" for the better.
    Can you give me some advice on what to do? Im a little bit confused at the moment.
    Thank you all lots of love!

  • #2
    tell her your true feelings and ask her about her feelings about you since dating you as not a friend


    • #3
      Use these tips on how to act around your ex if you want her to get attracted to you once again and watch her walk back into your life for eternity.

      Let go of all that anger and frustration before meeting your ex
      Do not blow steam in front of your ex since this will only drive her away from you.

      Practice meditation instead of medication to calm your mind down naturally so as to talk to your ex in a calm and composed voice.

      Control your emotions
      Do not give the game away by sniffling or looking at your ex with those puppy eyes. Instead, control your emotions, and remain formal and poised in front of your ex.

      Do not fidget
      Another problem that you might face if you still love your ex dearly is to fidget like a nervous kid in front of the principal.

      Do not fidget nervously, bite your fingernails or run your fingers though your hair. You should stand upright with dignity and look at your ex squarely in the eye while talking with complete confidence.

      Throw in a few praises and back off
      You can praise your ex about his/her looks or dress but remember to back off immediately instead of babbling on.

      This will please your ex but also confuse her and it is this curiosity that will compel your ex to open up further as he/she tries to find out more about your true feelings from you.

      Ask your ex about herself but do not pry
      You can ask your ex about herself after the breakup in a general tone but do not try to pry too deeply. You should only indicate to your ex that you are interested in his/her life without looking desperate.

      Mingle with others
      If you meet your ex at a party then do not latch on to her like a leech. Instead, mingle with others while laughing or simply acting in a positive manner.

      This will allow you to exhibit your positive side to your ex and also create feelings of desire within her.

      Keep your distance
      Once you have met your ex for a short time then you should get back to your own life and maintain a respectable distance while still remaining within visual contact.

      If your ex too misses you then he/she will now be sufficiently impressed by your behavior and will surely try to contact you again on any pretext.

      These moves will ensure that your ex watches and respects your mature actions while falling right back in love with you.

      By acting positively even while in pain, you can surely boost your chances of watching your ex walk back into your life again.


      • #4

        You need to be clued in as to what you should do when you happen to be in the vicinity of your ex. Here are few tips to help you out.

        Act normal
        If you happen to come face to face with your ex where you least expected him, get a hold on yourself and act normal. Don't let him see that you are affected by his presence, and after a polite "hello", move on with your friends.

        Remain distant
        Just be respectful and polite and after a short talk, excuse yourself. Let him know that you are not keen for his company and remain calm and confident in his presence. Tell yourself that you don't need him and let it show.

        Keep your emotions under wrap
        Show that you don't care even if you are seething with hatred for what he did to you. Just be cordial and don't let out your anger, it may just prove to him that he did right by leaving you. You surely don't want him thinking that.

        Act confident
        If you still have feeling for him, cover it up and pretend that it doesn't bother you that you are not a couple anymore. Do this by telling yourself that you are a wonderful person and someone special is waiting for you. Go out with your friends for movies and parties and let him see that you can enjoy and be happy without his company.

        Take care your appearance
        Sure you are having a tough time, but take care to look good when you step out; it is a mood-lifter. Go for a new hair cut which you always wanted and be a new you. Also you don't want to give your ex the satisfaction that your are still not over him/her if you turn up looking dull and drab.

        Keep your contact to minimum
        If you work in the same office and cannot ignore your ex completely, keep your meetings short and official. Do not go on talking like old times; show him you have moved on. If you bump into him quite regularly, you can avoid small talk by showing your disinterest.

        Forget the past
        It is best to move on once the relationship is over. At times you miss being with your ex, but be strong and don't plead with them to come back, you surely deserve someone better.

