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Am I being paranoid?

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  • Am I being paranoid?

    Here’s my story...

    My partner of 9.5 years just had the new iPhone XS delivered to our house. She started to download the apps she usually uses like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc.. but then she asked me if I could restore it from a back up. So as I was admiring her new phone before I backed it up I opened Facebook, it wasn’t logged in but the previous email used was still saved. It was An email I’ve never seen and she denies its hers.

    Shibuya is a place in Japan that has the most love hotels. Places people got to for sexual privacy that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to have. This is something she would probably know about because we both love the Japanese culture and she watches tonnes of romantic anime.

    What doesn’t make sense to me is that she denies it’s her email address but the only possible way it could be saved in the Facebook app username field is if it had been successfully logged into then logged out of. It is impossible for a brand new app to be downloaded onto a brand new phone and somehow have a random email saved in the username field. I thought it might be a weird bug so I deleted the fb app and redownloaded it and it was working how it should. There was no email or password saved in the app.

    The phone hadn’t left the house so no one else had access to it.

    I feel like I already know the answer but I need to here it from other people just in case I’m being paranoid.



  • #2
    Originally posted by dgotoole
    It is impossible for a brand new app to be downloaded onto a brand new phone and somehow have a random email saved in the username field
    It's absolutely impossible for a random email to be in a brand new phone with new Facebook app installed. So, she is definitely lying.


    • #3
      You aren't paranoid, she is simply not saying the truth. However, I will advice you ignore it because it isn't something serious.


      • #4

        She is lying to you. There is no way that an email can be on a new phone like that as soon as facebook got installed. It wouldn't just pop up randomly.

