Hey everyone, I signed up to this site because I wanted other's insight on my recent issue. Im a male, I've always been straight, I have always fallen in love with girls and could imagine living a life with them, but never with men. However, I find men attractive and sexually arousing. It's come to the point where I feel as if vaginas look more disgusting than men's penises. I'm confused about what i identify as since I am romantically attracted and sexually attracted (although now leaning more to men) to women but not at all attracted to men romantically but I enjoy looking at sexual male material etc. When I was younger I was also very curious about like anal stuff. I remember when I was younger that I would get crazy over women's bodies and genitals and I would get really sexually excited and much less with men. However now, as mentioned before, I find penis very arousing and I see women's genitals as sorta gross.
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?