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How would you feel if your significant other did this?



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  • How would you feel if your significant other did this?

    Went to a destination wedding in Mexico without you. The only way I found out is because I asked what he was doing this weekend. He said "don't be mad". It's a couple we've been on many dates with. He claims he can't afford to pay for my trip but I think its bs. Seems like he was keeping a secret.

  • #2
    He was wrong to have embark on a trip without telling you. However, I think he was saying the truth when he said he didn't tell you because he couldn't pay for your trip. So, I'll suggest you forgive him and move on.


    • #3
      I know you'll be feeling terrible because of his act, so accept my condolence. He should have at least told you about the wedding and let you know that he doesn't have enough money to pay for you. From my point of view, I don't think he's hiding any secret because if he was, he wouldn't have told you he ever went for the wedding.

      I'll advice you forgive him and let him know you are hurt by what he did.


      • #4
        I've been with him for 3 years. I think the point being is that I don't expect him to pay for my trip but ask me if I wanted to go and meet him.


        • #5
          He should have told you prior. That was the right thing to do. Communication is important. If you trust him though, and he realizes he should have communicated better, forgive him and keep it moving.


          • #6

            Last time we spoke was on Friday. He said he missed me. I said the same. I told him although I miss him I am really hurt that he didn't ask me to go and didn't expect him to pay for my trip. I haven't heard from him. I know it's horrible to think But I think he's not responding because he found someone else to hook up with.

