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Why Would a Guy That I've Been Seeing Wants Us to Be Just Friends



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  • Why Would a Guy That I've Been Seeing Wants Us to Be Just Friends

    I would like to ask but i think i know the answer: why would a guy that I've been seeing, who barely gave me the time of day - an MPI... turn around and say we should be 'just friends'... when i agree he gets stroppy (as if he wanted me to beg) then changes his mind and sends me dick pics/videos. We start 'seeing' each other again after i tell him the relationship needs to be better than the last crap years .. but then he gets into his MPI mode again. Then repeats the same cycle. He wants a f*** buddy. I now know that's all it ever was. When i change MY attitude towards him and said 'no' he has the cheek to tell me IM rude - WHAT A DICK HEAD. And again all of a sudden NOW wants to be friends BUT NOW hes serious and wants to hang out but its too late now. I don't even want him in my life anymore! Too many years of stress and anxiety over that prick! I think we go thru these things to make us stronger. Now I'm dropping guys like steaming hot potatas if they show any sign of being a time waster. Sign #1- He wants sex way too quickly it makes u feel uncomfortable. My confidence is WAY UP THERE NOW THAT I KNOW MY WORTH! (i cant say the same for myself esteem tho) 2 different things im sure. I can spot a time waster a mile off! Go with your gut! If a guy chats u up in a park, at a bus stop, club, party or any other RANDOM PLACE your not the only one hes hit on in that SAME RANDOM place. Meet someone who has similar interests to you i.e at Uni, work, museum, library where u see each other daily BEFORE exchanging numbers. Ive been chatted up twice in one day before by the same guy who forgot he tried it with me just a couple of hours before. Also been hit on by a guy who was with his friend who said to him "nah u cant do that u just got that other girls number! Lol!" ... my point is most guys are just HUNGRY and looking for PREY. They were just watching and waiting for girls to walk by then BAM! They never got my number btw. KNOW YOUR WORTH LADIES! It all starts from there.

  • #2
    True! SELF-WORTH is a priority... and it does not depend on other people's approval or is solely our own decision to feel worthy or not, got nothing to do with other people.


    • #3
      I literally went through the same thing just this yr. He's looping and hoovering you. Narcissists are really good at this. They do this to get you emotionally invested.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Anthonia View Post
        I literally went through the same thing just this yr. He's looping and hoovering you. Narcissists are really good at this. They do this to get you emotionally invested.
        Yes! Its so true but so cruel! Why do men even 'think' that way?! Its a form of bullying i think to make themselves feel better about their miserable lives. A power trip.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gray View Post
          True! SELF-WORTH is a priority... and it does not depend on other people's approval or is solely our own decision to feel worthy or not, got nothing to do with other people.
          Yes! Exactly. Why should WE change OUR pleasant, kind nature because someone else doesnt appreciate it! Leave them alone to find the kind of female they DESERVE and move on.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Gray View Post
            True! SELF-WORTH is a priority... and it does not depend on other people's approval or is solely our own decision to feel worthy or not, got nothing to do with other people.
            They truly are insecure lonely ppl on the inside. they take from others to feel better about themselves. I really do believe he had some issues from childhood. He always talked about how ugly he was as a child and how good he looks now. He seemed to want a woman that was the completely opposite of his mother. She was controlling, didn't let him do anything, and not nurturing. and he's the only boy out of five kids. So he in turn wanted a nurturing woman but that allowed him to do whatever he wanted, including knowingly sleep with and date other women, and be OK with it. yeah ok next!

