Hi everybody,
I had thus weekend a bit burnning duscussion with my friend...our relationship is really not good and even with bad attitude he has towards me, I am still tryinv to find a way to make it better.
He explained me, after 2,5 years, that in order to have good relationship, I must achieve results in sports at the level he expects..so that we can go to mountins, via ferrata together (and similar pace).
Is it normal, that partners have equall hobbies? Does this really mean good relationship?
I like sport but also other things in life...and I am not used to go to mountains running just ti reach tind targetHe knew from first contact what are my capacities for sports , now he said if you do not train hard (meaning like a pro daily) you do not advance in life.
I reallyl lke him, bug this is destroying me...I already made so much compromises ...too much....he did not...is it really a muss that partners are obliged to havs samd hobbies and spend all free time together?
Thanky for your advice and perspective.
I had thus weekend a bit burnning duscussion with my friend...our relationship is really not good and even with bad attitude he has towards me, I am still tryinv to find a way to make it better.
He explained me, after 2,5 years, that in order to have good relationship, I must achieve results in sports at the level he expects..so that we can go to mountins, via ferrata together (and similar pace).
Is it normal, that partners have equall hobbies? Does this really mean good relationship?
I like sport but also other things in life...and I am not used to go to mountains running just ti reach tind targetHe knew from first contact what are my capacities for sports , now he said if you do not train hard (meaning like a pro daily) you do not advance in life.
I reallyl lke him, bug this is destroying me...I already made so much compromises ...too much....he did not...is it really a muss that partners are obliged to havs samd hobbies and spend all free time together?
Thanky for your advice and perspective.