So I need some advice in terms of first love. I am from the UK and I am currently going through my first year of college. So I am 16 years old along with everyone around me (some may be 17 if they have had their birthday of course). First of all, I just want to talk a bit about me. I have never been in any relationship and never even experienced love through the whole of my life until starting college. I have realised I am a very mature, respectful, confident person and after doing multiple psychic readings and hand readings (even though I do not believe in any God) I have been told that in terms of love women will generally look at me as a very great guy who they would want to be with. Anyway, I started college in September of this year and mainly focused on settling in. I barely had any problems with this as I am a generally confident and friendly person. I went through the first half term fine but then we had a change in seating plan in one of my subjects and I noticed a girl sat in front of me (as the room is set out in a theatre fashion with rows of tables in front of one another). At first, I thought nothing of her. But after the course of around two weeks, I realised I was falling in love with her and I had never felt anything like it. I couldn't stop thinking about her and I would literally shake and sweat when I was in that class. That was around two months ago now. So I began to think about what to do and I just couldn't stop thinking about and I still can't now. We both have a mutual friend in the class and I get along really well with the teacher and we have lots of jokes. As I am a confident person, I try to make jokes with him often and I find that she laughs often because of them. Anyway, I didn't do too much in terms of advancing towards her because I was so engrossed in thinking that I never stood a chance with her. But exactly a week ago (4th Dec), I decided to do something about it and try and make some moves towards her. So I made a lot of jokes in class that day and she laughed. But after the class (which was the last lesson on that day so we would head straight for the buses to go home) I saw that she stayed behind to talk to our mutual friend so I jumped on the opportunity and got involved in the conversation. At first, she seemed a bit stunned as she stopped talking, so I talked to our mutual friend for a bit and whilst it was just us three and she probably listened although she was on her phone but didn't seem to be doing anything on it. She didn't say anything else. But when we got to the point where we would all split off to go to separate buses (the student entrance), she opened the door but turned back so she was holding the door with her back and I looked up at her and saw she was looking into my eyes and I looked into hers. I felt amazing, my heart rate went through the roof. Then she went off to her bus. Normally, I know people would say it could be nothing but when I had never had any signs from her before I felt there could be something. I didn't see any other reason she could have looked into my eyes as I am probably 7 inches taller than her so I can't see that she would just accidentally skim across my face and it happened on accident and there was no conversation going on. Anyway, since then I have noticed she keeps laughing at my jokes in class a lot and I have caught her looking at me a few times. But we have looked each other in the eyes around 4 times now in a single week (bearing in mind that we never see each other on a Wednesday or weekends (so we have had direct eye contact around 4 times in 5 days that we have had the chance)). She is absolutely perfect but I am terrified because I have no experience of this. I couldn't bear to see her in a relationship with another person so I want to try and move fast but I have no experience of this and don't know how to take this. Do you think she is in love with me too? What should I do? I keep hating myself when I realise I have missed an opportunity to move forward with her. Should I feel bad about this or is it okay?
Thanks so much for any help,
Thanks so much for any help,