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What are the keys to perfect relationship where only love and understand rule?



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  • What are the keys to perfect relationship where only love and understand rule?

    I just love to be 100% happy with my life partner with any trouble.
    what are the keys to perfect relationship.

  • #2
    perfection is a impossiblity between two individuals. you will always have ups and downs in any relationship. make sure your lifestyle, goals and personality mesh well. treat your mate as an equal .always show consideration for her feelings over anyone else except yourself. be charitable, faithful and loving. keep yourself motivated, fit and healthy. show strong increased financial goals and successes to her. have an active and inventive sex life (at least three times a week). openly brag and show your affection for her as your first priority in life. compromise on decisions between your preferences and her desires. always portray yourself as the manly head of your marriage. protect her honor and body as your own.


    • #3
      The keys to a perfect relationship is communication. You both must learn to express what you feel at a particular point in time, and resolve whatever issues you have as soon as possible.


      • #4
        We all want to maintain a healthy and passionate relationship, so how is it that you can with volition increase the polarity in the perfect relationship that you have or want?

        Staying true to the relationship is a very good place to start, remembering the passion that you felt for the relationship when it first began what that means is that you don't put your passion, lustful energy or thoughts onto anyone else other than your partner.

        What you need to know is your unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between imagined or real (we will be talking more about this in my next article) think about it your unconscious mind literally does not know the difference between imagined and real, ask yourself where are you putting your passion and desire into the relationship or out of the relationship?

        It's simple to see now that unconsciously you are creating conflict within your relationship and robbing it of its vital polarity!! How many affairs have you had in your mind? You have seen couples together do this they are to all intents and purposes a loving couple until another attractive women (or man) walks by and one of the COUPLE!! Gets whip lash.

        That is sending a clear message to the unconscious mind that you are not committed to the person that you are with, and it's then that all the secondary gain reasons kick in to justify staying in the relationship, the house, the kids, the cars, the life style all number of reasons. And people say well there is no harm in it I'm just looking, I come home to you don't I? YOU shouldn't be so jealous? Will this increase the polarity in the relationship NO!! it decreases it.

        You know couples that do this, every time they are out on their own or worst still even together and one of them flirts outragiously with anyone thats got a pulse? We have all seen it and maybe!! Maybe we have all done it, does this increase the polarity? Or decrease it? DECREASES it. Do you think within these relationships they are having a passionate healthy sex life? Offcourse not! Oh and please understand if your partner is not having sex with you it doesn't mean they are not having sex.

        I read in one of the women's magazines and a cant remember which one though I'm sure you will have read something similar, but a women was proudly stating that when she was have sex with her husband she was imagining it was Brad Fit (oh I mean Pitt) and she said it kept her interested in sex, very proud she was of the fact, it is clear to me that if she has to do that then the polarity has left her relationship.


        • #5

          The keys to a great relationship seem pretty obvious, but they're often harder than they seem! These are some key things I believe are super important!

          1. Absolute honesty - this includes speaking up when things aren't feeling right, being honest enough and not afraid to tell your partner what isn't working for you. This means even if you do something wrong, you speak up. It's also good to be honest about your own needs and desires, emotional, sexual, etc. Trust also comes with honesty. Trust what your partner says at face value until they give you a reason to distrust.
          2. Respect - Don't minimize or downplay the others feelings. Don't curse at or call names when mad. Don't insult or stoop to low blows when fighting. Stick to the topic. Stay respectful.
          3. Intimacy - honesty builds intimacy. Also sharing private personal thoughts, having inside jokes, things only you two know about. Sharing your dreams and fantasies also builds intimacy. Taking TIME ALONE TOGETHER no matter how busy your lives are is important to intimacy.
          4. Communication - talk, share, dream, flirt, body language, touch, communication is more than just words. Fun flirty texts, romantic whispers in her ear. A long look across the table at dinner. There are so many ways to communicate with your lover. But she also needs your words. So don't forget the obvious good mornings, goodnights, have a great day, I love you's. Daily communication is key.
          5. Be FRIENDS - Be someone your partner can lean on when sad, laugh with, be inspired by, confide in, tell secrets to, chill out with and do nothing, basically think of the best friend you ever had as a kid, and be that to them.
          6. Learn how to Fight - everyone fights. What you do when you're fighting can actually strengthen you as a couple - really try to listen to their side. It takes 2 to tango, find something to apologize for that you may have played a part in causing the rift, and they will feel you've acknowledged your part. Resorting to screaming, name calling, cursing, and fighting to WIN can cause bitterness and resentment. The first fight sets the tone, every fight matters, always be respectful and mindful that the goal is to compromise & make up without doing any major damage.

          ​​​​​​Love and protect each other, be honest, open, trustworthy and be each other's best friend and confidant! It can be amazing!

