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My Boyfriend Keeps Me Around Without Showing Any Actual Commitment To Me



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  • My Boyfriend Keeps Me Around Without Showing Any Actual Commitment To Me

    Hi everyone,

    I have an unfortunate situation with a guy I have been in a relationship with for over two years now. He has been wasting my time by doing the bare minimum to keep me around without showing any actual commitment to me... I deserve so much more, I wish so desperately I could move on to someone who knows what they want!!

  • #2
    Then give yourself distance from the situation to uncover the true reason you keep him around when it's not best for you. Invest in yourself. Nothing will change if you keep doing the same thing.


    • #3
      You probably need to speak your truth like I did in an email, but I lost any and all respect for the guy and LOL told him every single example of how after 2 months I was fed up and had had enough LOL unlikely to hear from him again after I completely castrated him hahaha
      Last edited by Peggy; 12-04-2016, 12:56 AM.


      • #4
        When you want more and the person is not giving it to you but you stay involved that is when you know that you're being stringed along. The fact that you are thinking all of the things you say means that you feel stringed along no? Also wondering how long you can take it, I wouldn't test that theory. You have to decide that you're not going to take it at all if you truly want to be happy. Unless you want things to stay the way they are. But believe me there are way better things just around the corner and people who will invest. But if you don't have the self discipline to distance yourself from these kind of guys like the one you're talking about, then that is all you'll get. You need to weed out all of the tares if you want to be able to see and reach beautiful flowers.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Peggy View Post
          You probably need to speak your truth like I did in an email, but I lost any and all respect for the guy and LOL told him every single example of how after 2 months I was fed up and had had enough LOL unlikely to hear from him again after I completely castrated him hahaha
          I am sorry to hear about that... I know the gut wrenching feeling. And no, this guy I have been seeing knows exactly how I feel about him, we have discussed it many times, but still it is going nowhere, love is really blind... If I could control my feelings for him I would have moved on long ago.. I can't seem to differentiate being "patient" and being "stringed along," I often wonder how much longer I will accept crumbs


          • #6
            It's called logic. Nobody on the planet is owed anything for the mere act of being born. Believing you are owed something without specific tangible reasons why is called "an entitlement mindset"... Hint, it's not a positive.

            How do you know you are deserving of more. What did you do to earn it? Just being born or? Do you have specific reasons you believe you are owed x amount of investment from y type of guys? What did you give or invest to get that in return? Are you sure you deserve so much investment from that level of guys?


            • #7
              Just date other guys and stop focusing on one who's told you through his actions that's he's not really interested. You're so pretty. Cut your losses. You're wasting your time and also keeping yourself from being happy. Block and delete are only five seconds worth of work.


              • #8
                thank you that's very sweet of you


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gloria View Post
                  Just date other guys and stop focusing on one who's told you through his actions that's he's not really interested. You're so pretty. Cut your losses. You're wasting your time and also keeping yourself from being happy. Block and delete are only five seconds worth of work.
                  thank you that's very sweet of you


                  • #10

                    All people think that they "deserve so much more" even though most of them don't, and would rather go to a comment section to play the victim by fishing for compliments with a trivial 'sad' story as opposed to actually ending their less than optimal circumstances which they are more than capable of fixing on their own.

