I am after some impartial advice. I am 43 years old and been married for the last 8 years and with her for 12 years. However, the marriage is loveless, and i am immensely unhappy and have been for a long time now. The marriage has been over for a long time. We fight a lot and we are simply just living togetber.
We have 2 children. A son who's 8 with quite significant autism and a daughter who is 6 and on the spectrum slightly. My daughter regularly asks me why I'm sad and unhappy and it breaks my heart.
Now I know this is going to make me sounds like the arsehole so please hear me out.
I have been in a relationship with another woman for the last 2 and a half years. My wife knows and also knows that this woman is the love of my life, my other half and the person I want to be with for the rest of my days. Since we met I have planned to leave many many times but when the crunch comes, I cannot and the reason is that my wife just tells me very calmly that me leaving will damage my children hugely. Tells me how my daughter will cry for me and that even though our marriage isnt a marriage, she wants to keep me at the home for the sake of the family. She knows the right things to say to stop me leaving in the end and i end up letting my person down repeatedly at the last moment causing her huge upset and pain which I never ever want to do. I then obviosuly feel like staying was the right decision but then within days, i still feel the same unhappiness and then hughely sad that i have potentially lost the perosn i am incredibly happy with. She has been amazingly understanding but obviously doubts what I say sometimes as this has happened so much and she is obviously incredibly upset as we wsnt to be together and have our happiness.
I feel trapped between choosing my own happiness and being at the family home for my children.
Now for some extra information.
Me and my wife work school term times so are currently off due to the summer holidays. I was supposed to leave today but the conversation with my wife last night, went as before and I felt immense guilt around this damage she says will be caused. However, now would be the perfect timing to do this as I could use the remaining time of school holidays to get the children used to the idea and hopefully not impact them too much before school returns.
Also another thing I have to consider is would this actually be better for my children if I did leave.
They would have a happy dad when they did see me (which would be twice a week hopefully and every other full weekend). They wouldn't be seeing me and their mum arguing or bickering or see me unhappy and ask me why im sad. Also, my son who is quite autistic, would have new experiences and a whole new support system with my new partner. She also has a 4 year old daughter so fully understands the parental responsibilities and pressures. What if him having her in his life benefitted him and his development hugely? I could be denying him that opportunity by staying at the family home out of the fear of damaging my children as my wife says.
Please take out the part of my initial infidelity, that's irrelevant. My wife knows I'm in love with somsone else. Her only focus in wanting me to stay is for the children. She I suppose wonders maybe something will come back between us but i have told her it will not.
I know I'm not the only parent who has autistic children who has separated so please, can any other dads out there tell me how you've handled the separation and guilt element? Have you seen any significant damage to your children or have they flourished once they got used to the new normal?
Thanks in advance