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Why Do People Take Birth Control Methods Anyway?



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  • Why Do People Take Birth Control Methods Anyway?

    Why do people take birth control methods anyway? Like if you are sexually active and you don't want to get pregnant, does that mean you have to take birth control?

    I want to share my horror story with Birth Control pills. I had irregular very painful periods so I got checked up by a (rather unprofessional) gyno. I was diagnosed with very nasty polycystic ovaries, so she prescribed me a brand of BC pills. A year later, I got another check up and my cysts were a lot worse, they were bigger, my ovaries were double in size so instead of getting me off BC pills asap, she just changed the brand to a more POWERFUL brand. 3 months later, I was rushed to the ER with horrible pain, they thought I had appendicitis so I was rushed into emergency surgery. The surgeon opened me up and found a massive ruptured cyst and internal bleeding. If I would have waited another few hours I would have died. My point is, ALWAYS get checked up by a doctor before you take birth control pills, and if you do have any medical problems, I strongly suggest getting more than one opinion, Right now, I'm going to two different gynos and both told me to stay a mile away from BC pills. Stay safe girls!

  • #2
    No, you can use a condom if you don't want to use birth control, but some people just want to be more sure of not getting pregnant so they use birth control. I use birth control to push forward my period so that I don't have to have it every month because I get brutal cramps. So that's also a common thing why people use birth control.


    • #3
      Firstly, I take birth control because I have awful cramps. Like I'd miss school for 2-3 days every month because I couldn't get out of bed or off the floor so that's why I started taking it. I know that when I was in high school, a lot of other girls would take it because of that reason. There are many medical conditions that people take birth control for. You can probably research more to find exactly what are those conditions! If you are old enough and responsible enough to be sexually active, then you will take the right precautions in order to prevent pregnancy. Of course you don't have to take birth control but you should take the right precautions that are right for YOU. Whether that be condoms, birth control, or even deciding that you are going to wait to have sex. Many girls do decide to take birth control because it is easy and more reliable than other methods. Hope I helped a bit!


      • #4
        Yes, you should take it if you do not want to get pregnant but some people are sexually active and do not use Birth control besides condoms, some ppl don't even use condoms


        • #5
          Which many people are unaware of. you can still get pregnant through "pre-cum" AND either way I personally think, if you feel that you are old enough and responsible enough to have sex, you should be responsible enough to not only protect yourself from pregnancies, but also from STDS therefore wear condoms


          • #6
            If you want to be having sex and you don't want to get pregnant and have kids then yes you should be using condoms or be on some type of birth control common sense.


            • #7
              My mum once to be on the pills (not sure which though) when she just got married to my dad. She immediately stopped taking them because they wanted to get pregnant straight away. But it took her 2 years to conceive me. Her hormones were out of whack for a long time even after she stopped them. Ladies, please remember that these are hormones that u are putting into your body. And while hormones are natural substances, having an access or intentionally putting them into your body is not natural. My dad is a doctor. He has actually told me before to never use any other method of birth control other than condoms. See the truth is, doctors will never tell u the true harms these contraceptive methods could do to your body. They will answer questions u ask them but never openly tell u unless u ask. Their objective is to sell the pill. And yes, the pill, from studies seems to be relatively safe so they aren't lying to u or anything but just beware. There are cases of women getting pregnant even though they are very diligent with their birth control and due to the extra hormones in the body at the time of conception, the kid might be born with defects. If u get pregnant while using a condom, a kid born with defects is less likely. And I know, condoms are hella annoying and uncomfortable and reduces pressure but another thing I wanna say ladies is that in one cycle of your period, there are only 2-3 days in which u can get pregnant. Ovulation usually occurs from the 13th-15th day from the first day of your period. If the egg is not fertilized with this time, it disintegrates. After that, there is no way of getting pregnant. I am not on birth control and I personally, hate using condoms. My bf and I both get regular checks and we are both clean. I use the counting method. And sometimes, if I forget what day it is, I just take an ovulation test. My bf has cum in me many times while using this counting method (of course only during the safe days like 4th-11th day and the 15th-21st day. I have a 21 day cycle instead of 28 and my periods only last 3 days) and I have never gotten pregnant. Of course I understand this is risky but neither of us are really that worried about not conceiving. For us, if it happens it happens. Time to grow and and be responsible then. I'm hoping no one criticizes me for sharing this. I just wanted to let u ladies know the truth. My dad has always warned me against using them and I never have

