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Deflowering a Virgin: My Girlfriend Is She Is Still a Virgin



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  • Deflowering a Virgin: My Girlfriend Is She Is Still a Virgin

    Okay, Basically my girlfriend and I are thinking about having sex soon the only thing is she is still a virgin.

    Ange, do you have any tips at all for making it hurt less for her. The last thing I want to do is hurt her in anyway especially in the bedroom her first time.

  • #2
    First off... relax man you will both be fine... many things in life hurt a bit... and fortunately, a little pain cannot kill you.

    As it turns out... pain is the admission fee to MANY of lifes pleasures... ask any doctor how they felt about medical school.

    Yes... she may experience a little pain... instead of focusing too much on the "pain is bad" thing... which will have you constantly stopping and worrying... and reframe it... you can laugh about it... you can tap into enjoyment of it... and if you are really an advanced lover... you can get her to enjoy making the sacrifice of suffering for your pleasure... women LOVE to give to please their man...

    Men love it too actually... and the key to making it enjoyable is to accept it as a special gift from her for your pleasure and to your future pleasure together... give her authentic and NOT apologetic praise for it.

    Get her really turned on first by teasing and teasing for a long time... and she will hardly even notice... sexual arousal disrupts the pain circuits in the brain... and the main thing to be concerned about is not hurting her body... it is hurting her heart... be genuine with her... be patient with yourself too... have a sense of humour if things go differently than you expect... smile at her a lot.

    And hold her for a long... long time afterwards... do that and she will always remember her first time as one of the great experiences of her life... and USE PROTECTION.

    If she thinks losing her virginity hurts... wait until she finds out how much pain there is giving birth!

    Now you two have a sweet time together.


    • #3
      Are you looking for tips when making love to a virgin girl? If yes, you are at the right place.

      Making love with a virgin girl is very different when you make love with a non-virgin. It will be a very emotional process for her and is your responsibility to calm her down so she will have a unforgettable and pleasurable session.

      A virgin girl will be extremely passive in bed (unless she is the wild one!). So you must take a lot of initiative in bed and tell her what you want to do with her.

      Remember: making love to a virgin girl is a very emotional occasion for her. The memory of having sex for the first time will last forever in her mind. You would NOT want to spoil her first time.

      Don't be a jerk.

      Now, let me share with you 5 tips you should know when making love to a virgin girl.

      Tip One: Calm her down. She will probably be extremely nervous in bed and you should try your very best to calm her nerves. Spend some time cuddling together and give her a little alcohol to calm her down. Assure her that everything will be fine and you will take care of her.

      Tip Two: Be sensitive. Do not go hardcore or explore popular kama sutra positions when you make love to a virgin girl. Go for something simple like the Missionary Position so that you will not freak her out.

      Tip Three: Reassure her that you know what you are doing. A virgin girl needs a lot of assurance from their man. It is your responsibility to assure her that you know what you are doing as she is giving her first time to you. She will need a lot of care and concern and demonstrate how much you love her by going the extra mile.

      Tip Four: Don't enter her when she is not wet enough. As this is her first time having sex, her vagina will be very sensitive. If you enter her before she gets wet, she will experience a lot of pain and may bail out. You would not want this to happen, right? So spend some time on foreplay. Turn her on by kissing and licking her erogenous zones such as breasts, neck, spine, inner thighs, earlobes, lips, etc.

      Tip Five: Slow down during intercourse. Do not go thrusting like a porn star during intercourse. Be gentle and start off with a very slow pace. During intercourse, cuddle and make her feel loved. Be sensitive and ask her if the pace is right for her. If she does not have any issue about it, gradually increase the pace of your thrusts until she reaches orgasm.

      I hope that these 5 tips can make you a better lover with making love with her virgin girl.

      Do your best to give her an unforgettable night. Don't spoil it.

      However, in order not to spoil her night, you must be able to last longer during intercourse. You can't ejaculate before she gets an orgasm.


      • #4
        It is not easy to take a girl's virginity. It is a very sensitive issue and a lot of guys can get embarrassed about. You want to take a girl's virginity in a way that makes her feel very comfortable. She is naturally nervous about her first time, but you can give her an unforgettable experience. If you are reading this, you are a boyfriend, or that special boy in her life. Naturally you want to make sure that your partner will feel comfortable when you have sex with her for "her first time." You are a person that is sensitive to her and is a caring person who wants her to remember this first time in a positive light. With good intentions, you will find it very easy to be sensitive to her needs and make her first time something that she will never forget. She'll never forget her first time, so make the most of it.

        First, be sure that your girl is someone you sincerely care about. You wouldn't want her first time to be something disappointing for either of you, and if you don't really care about her, she'll feel it and won't be fully comfortable giving her virginity to you. Another thing some guys forget about is making sure that the two of you are both of legal age to give consent to having sex. It's not something you want to have on your mind while making love to her, but it should be taken into consideration for both your sakes.

        Be sure that you are ready to have sex at any time, don't forget to keep a condom on your person. While many girls like to plan out their first time have sex, it usually ends up happening spontaneously which can be the best way to have a really romantic and intimate moment.

        Don't neglect the environment.
        Just because the back seat of a car is a popular place for a first time doesn't mean that it's a good one. You don't want her uncomfortable with not being able to move into the right position or worried about getting caught. You want her somewhere where she can feel safe and comfortable with you.

        She'll naturally be nervous. This is OK. A little alcohol can do wonders to sooth nerves, however neither of you should be drunk for her first time. That leads to awkward sex.

        When you have everything ready for sex, condoms, a comfortable environment where you won't be disturbed, put on some music and set the mood.

        Start off with a lot of foreplay, you want her so turned on that being nervous doesn't cross her mind. You shouldn't even think about penetration until she's dripping wet and dying to have sex with you. Make sure she's lubricated enough and if not, use some lube.

        Enter her slowly, the first penetration will hurt, but if you do it slowly and gently, it won't hurt her much. Be sensitive to her, make sure that she knows she can ask you to slow down or stop if it start to hurt, she won't need you to, but she might be worried about having to ask. Tell her beforehand so that she doesn't have to think about anything but feeling good. Once she's used to the feeling of you inside her, you can start with slow shallow thrusts, staying gentle and letting her choose how fast you go. As she starts to feel more comfortable, she'll be asking for it harder, faster, and deeper in no time.

        That's about all there is to it. If she's feeling a lot of pain, have her get on top of you so that she can control the exact speed and depth, eventually she'll find the rhythm that gives her the most pleasure and the least pain.

        Follow these tips and you will be remembered as a sensitive and caring man who made her first time something unforgettable.


        • #5
          Thank you all, I'm going to work with all the information I have gotten here.

