I have some questions about my sister.
However, she said that if she told her husband about it it would make him very insecure. She was a virgin when she married.
However her husband was not. He had four close relationships before her. Everyone of his girl friend cheated on him... I think this has alot to do with his relationship with my sister.
In the beginning she said they has sex often and he wanted to try new positions. After my sister got pregnant his sex drive changed. Since the baby was born which has been a year ago now he still isn't showing any interest. She told me she is lucky if they have sex once a month. When they finally make love he lasts two minutes at the most. My sister rarely has an orgasm.
She has started using a vibrator by herself to keep her needs met. She has thrown away all her lingerie because he didn't like her wearing it. I told her she should start using the vibrator when their together so they could feel some kind of connection. She replied that he is offended that she uses the vibrator, and he gets mad that she is using it at all.
He has told my sister that making love to her is boring because she doesn't do anything. Since then she has bought countless books on the internet to find out how she should move in bed. This hasn't worked. Since she has been with him she has become very insecure. She has started dressing way too revealing, and she regrets staying a virgin until marriage. She believes that if she would have slept with other partners she would be better in bed. I have told her this is not true...
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... Something has to be done for my sister. And I don't know what to do. Your advice would be highly appreciated.
However, she said that if she told her husband about it it would make him very insecure. She was a virgin when she married.
However her husband was not. He had four close relationships before her. Everyone of his girl friend cheated on him... I think this has alot to do with his relationship with my sister.
In the beginning she said they has sex often and he wanted to try new positions. After my sister got pregnant his sex drive changed. Since the baby was born which has been a year ago now he still isn't showing any interest. She told me she is lucky if they have sex once a month. When they finally make love he lasts two minutes at the most. My sister rarely has an orgasm.
She has started using a vibrator by herself to keep her needs met. She has thrown away all her lingerie because he didn't like her wearing it. I told her she should start using the vibrator when their together so they could feel some kind of connection. She replied that he is offended that she uses the vibrator, and he gets mad that she is using it at all.
He has told my sister that making love to her is boring because she doesn't do anything. Since then she has bought countless books on the internet to find out how she should move in bed. This hasn't worked. Since she has been with him she has become very insecure. She has started dressing way too revealing, and she regrets staying a virgin until marriage. She believes that if she would have slept with other partners she would be better in bed. I have told her this is not true...
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... Something has to be done for my sister. And I don't know what to do. Your advice would be highly appreciated.