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Is it true that circumcision makes sex less enjoyable for men?



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  • Is it true that circumcision makes sex less enjoyable for men?

    I have heard that it does, since the foreskin keeps the glans of the penis smooth and moist. And when after the foreskin gets cut off from circumcision, the glans start to become rough and dry (which makes sense to why sex would less enjoyable after that).

  • #2
    I feel other way. I got circumcision in my childhood because of too much skin.

    As skin is not there, I feel it is more sensitive and pleasure we get is more.

    Downside is.. I cum faster than normal because it isn't sensitive for touch and penetration. And teaches orgasm faster.

    If I use condoms then will last for longer time.


    • #3
      That is completely false! As a matter of fact, being circumcised as a man makes sex even more enjoyable.


      • #4
        Wherever you got you information from is wrong. Being circumcised removes excess skin from the penis and thereby making it more sensitive, and as a result making sex more enjoyable. However, uncircumcised makes the penis covered with too much skin and thereby making the penis numb and less sensitive, so sex is less enjoyable for both man and woman. You can use the analogy of having sex with condom or without condom. Having sex with condom makes your penis numb and so you are unable to enjoy sex to the fullest.


        • #5
          Well, I feel that you can't miss what you never had. By that I mean. If it got cut as a child you will never know the difference. Personally I feel that it would be more sensitive uncut( more sensitive/sensation). But just as satisfying cut.


          • #6
            it should not matter, i prefer guys that are circumsized because looks cleaner and i don't have to contend with foreskin before he gets hard in my mouth. once erect both look the same and feel the same other than individual size. i have not noticed a significant difference in texture or sensitivity of the tip or time it takes to cum in me.

            since they were cut as children they cannot comment on how it feel to them cut vs. uncut

