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Old Flame



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  • Old Flame

    Recently an old flame and I reconnected after 6 years of not seeing or talking to one another. Heres a little back story on everything. Me and her hung out almost everyday. We both were just out of horrible relationship so neither one of us were looking for that at the time. We just went out alot and had alot of fun. We both agreed that we had strong feelings for one another but we both had alot of things going on in our lives at the time. My daughter's mom was an addict so I was dealing with getting custody of her which I finally did thank God. My flame was dealing with her own things so we drifted apart over time.

    Over that 6 year period I met someone else and we got married and she did as well. About 3 months ago she contacted me and I was estatic. We talk about our marriages which we both agree we are content but we are both lacking excitement and so much more. This girl makes me feel like my wife now never has it's something I just don't know how to explain. She tells me the same thing daily and how when we we weren't talking how she would find herself looking for me when she was in public. I found myself doing the same. I never was able to stop thinking about her over the time we weren't talking. I lay in bed next to my wife now but I'm thinking about my flame. Am I a horrible person? Anyone else deal with this? I just don't know what to do.

  • #2
    Thinking about your flame while lying next to your wife will destroy what you have. What you are feeling now isn't real, you are simply infatuated. Don't let this infatuation destroy the happiness you have with you wife and the good marriage you have.

    Be wise!


    • #3
      I have felt exactly what you are feeling now, so I know what it's like to have an old flame come back to your life. The truth is that you will end up regretting any actions you take regarding going out with your flame.

      It's best to kill those though and cut off all forms of contact with her immediately.

