It has been a while since I have been coping with a dysfunctional relationship. Despite the up and downs, my partner and I still chose to marry. Why did we make such big decision despite many issues? To be short, we both said to each other that we want to make it right, no matter the challenges, no matter the hardship that come to us. Because deep down, we truly do love each other.
Despite saying such words to each other, I realised more and more that my partner is simply not ready to make the emotional move on his side in terms of resolving causing dysfunctionality in our couple life.
When I make a mistake, he would hammer it on me for days and weeks on. Expressing his hurt feelings in and out. Seeking for acknowledgement from my side, which I learned doing in order to help with his healing.
But whenever he says something insensitive or do something that upsets me, he would always deny it and blame on my failure of understanding of his explanations, saying I should not feel the way I feel, that I have a peoblem in my brain chemistry, genetics and so on, blaming all on who I am, instead of acknowledgjng that he indeed hurt me through certain words he said. He also expects and rushes me to recover from the upsetting event quick, on the basis that he did not mean what he said and many other reasons/explanations.
I feel like my feelings are completely denied.
There are times where he acknowledge my feelings of sourness, sadness, anger, but ONLY IF I say he is not the cause nor the source of it.
But whenever, he is indeed the cause of my upsetting hurt feelings, he completely rejects them, while still expecting me to acknowledge his upsetting feelings whenever I am the cause of his hurt feelings.
He is unaware of it and I have tried many times to speak to him about this matter. But each time, I get replies such as "you have an abnormal brain chemistry. Don't make it about me. It's all because of you. Etc."
I cook for both of us all the time. He maybe cooked once or three times maximum aince we met. But that one time can make him say things such as "what do you mean by I don't do my part? I cooked 10 times. He would ask say "let's handle each our own thing. I don't have to cook if I don't want to. I make my own food you make yours." However, he would not hesitate to ask me to cook for him as a favour. But if I ask him to the same favour, he would use the excuse of being tired or reverting back to "to each our own cooking".
And if by some lucky event, he did do me that once every blue moon favour, he would inflate it and ask me something else in exchange, saying "but I just want it to be an exchange of love, and see you do something nice to me, is it wrong?"
Do you see the double standar here?
This is only one example out of many. And I cannot find the right way, to make him realise that he is being unreasonable and uncooperative. And please mind that, these conversations happened when we were both fine. And not fighting nor argueing.
He seems to feel entitled to put all his part of responsibility on my "defectuous brain chemistry" and mood swings.
Even now, though I acknowledge that I am a hot tempered person and used to have severe mood swings in the past, leading to some major fights... He is still denying his part of responsibilities, saying that he is making a huge effort already, by even just moving to my home country which he dislikes.
But being a practical person, I have to say, he is not paying a dime in terms of living. He has a goal which I said once will support, and it has been agreed that I would be the one supporting the family until he succeeds. Even though it was agreed, it shouldn't give him the right to say, that my efforts are nothing. But this is what he does. "You are only spending a few hundreds on food thats it. It's like nothing."
Without realising that, I am also providing a roof and paying the bills to keep our lives running. He would say and have this attitude often, " you promised and agreed you'd support us. What you are doing is not an effort. But I made a huge sacrifice coming to this place, so you should be nice to me."
Words along those lines...
Now please don't misinterprete my words.
I know him long enough that he is not doing all this on purpose of harm. He is mostly unconscious of such behaviours of his and also has a massive male ego that refrains him to listen to anyone. He says he does. But he is actualy unconscious of his state.
Would someone be able to advise what is the best way to deal with my situation?
Thank you in advance
Despite saying such words to each other, I realised more and more that my partner is simply not ready to make the emotional move on his side in terms of resolving causing dysfunctionality in our couple life.
When I make a mistake, he would hammer it on me for days and weeks on. Expressing his hurt feelings in and out. Seeking for acknowledgement from my side, which I learned doing in order to help with his healing.
But whenever he says something insensitive or do something that upsets me, he would always deny it and blame on my failure of understanding of his explanations, saying I should not feel the way I feel, that I have a peoblem in my brain chemistry, genetics and so on, blaming all on who I am, instead of acknowledgjng that he indeed hurt me through certain words he said. He also expects and rushes me to recover from the upsetting event quick, on the basis that he did not mean what he said and many other reasons/explanations.
I feel like my feelings are completely denied.
There are times where he acknowledge my feelings of sourness, sadness, anger, but ONLY IF I say he is not the cause nor the source of it.
But whenever, he is indeed the cause of my upsetting hurt feelings, he completely rejects them, while still expecting me to acknowledge his upsetting feelings whenever I am the cause of his hurt feelings.
He is unaware of it and I have tried many times to speak to him about this matter. But each time, I get replies such as "you have an abnormal brain chemistry. Don't make it about me. It's all because of you. Etc."
I cook for both of us all the time. He maybe cooked once or three times maximum aince we met. But that one time can make him say things such as "what do you mean by I don't do my part? I cooked 10 times. He would ask say "let's handle each our own thing. I don't have to cook if I don't want to. I make my own food you make yours." However, he would not hesitate to ask me to cook for him as a favour. But if I ask him to the same favour, he would use the excuse of being tired or reverting back to "to each our own cooking".
And if by some lucky event, he did do me that once every blue moon favour, he would inflate it and ask me something else in exchange, saying "but I just want it to be an exchange of love, and see you do something nice to me, is it wrong?"
Do you see the double standar here?
This is only one example out of many. And I cannot find the right way, to make him realise that he is being unreasonable and uncooperative. And please mind that, these conversations happened when we were both fine. And not fighting nor argueing.
He seems to feel entitled to put all his part of responsibility on my "defectuous brain chemistry" and mood swings.
Even now, though I acknowledge that I am a hot tempered person and used to have severe mood swings in the past, leading to some major fights... He is still denying his part of responsibilities, saying that he is making a huge effort already, by even just moving to my home country which he dislikes.
But being a practical person, I have to say, he is not paying a dime in terms of living. He has a goal which I said once will support, and it has been agreed that I would be the one supporting the family until he succeeds. Even though it was agreed, it shouldn't give him the right to say, that my efforts are nothing. But this is what he does. "You are only spending a few hundreds on food thats it. It's like nothing."
Without realising that, I am also providing a roof and paying the bills to keep our lives running. He would say and have this attitude often, " you promised and agreed you'd support us. What you are doing is not an effort. But I made a huge sacrifice coming to this place, so you should be nice to me."
Words along those lines...
Now please don't misinterprete my words.
I know him long enough that he is not doing all this on purpose of harm. He is mostly unconscious of such behaviours of his and also has a massive male ego that refrains him to listen to anyone. He says he does. But he is actualy unconscious of his state.
Would someone be able to advise what is the best way to deal with my situation?
Thank you in advance