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What do Women really want?



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  • What do Women really want?

    Hi, newbie here and needing advice. Ive been married to my wife for 16 years. When we first got together she made me feel like a King. Within six months of us getting together i was stabbed 5 times in a fight and depression and PTSD put a strain on our relationship, but 2 years later we were married. She stuck by me through thick and thin and we had 2 little boys who are now 5 and 8 years old. I work a lot of hours to provide for us and this gives me little time to be at home and be a husband and father. This is putting a strain on us as our sons both have ADHD and my wife has little time for me, i no longer feel like the King that she once made me feel. What do Woman really want? A bad boy who got into lots of fights, or a hard working father who provides.
    What can i do so that she makes me feel worthy again?
    Last edited by JayKay; 07-02-2018, 02:19 PM.

  • #2
    Your wife married you because she loved you, and if you do the right things, you can regain her attraction back, and make your wife love you again. Here is what to do.

    First of all, like I said it can be extremely devastating to see your wife fall out of love with you. This causes husbands to go desperate and lose their abilities to think objectively and constructively. Don't fall into this trap - I know that you can be driven into going desperate and thinking; "why is my wife not attracted to me anymore? I must do something before she starts hating me and wants a divorce! Something must be done, but what?" It is true that you have to do something to save your marriage, but that thing is not "going mad with desperation". What it will lead you to do is just go and beg your wife to love you again. Of course, that will never work, and in fact, it will make your wife more distant from you emotionally.

    Ask any marriage counselor, they will tell you the same thing: When one spouse sees the other fall out of love, they go desperate and do the wrong things. And then the marriage ends in a divorce. What caused the divorce is not the original problem, but what the spouse did to "repair" the marriage. They will tell you that at least 75 percent of all divorces could have been avoided if one of the spouses merely had not gone mad with desperation. What a husband, who goes about asking "why is my wife not attracted to me anymore", really needs to do is, just the opposite.

    Remaining calm and objective is the number one marriage saver. To make your wife fall in love with you again, you must restrain yourself from all kinds of begging, pleading or relevant things. Fixing a marriage requires that you use the laws of psychology. If your wife isn't attracted to you anymore, you need to stop her to take you for granted - that's what will re spark her interest for you again. And if you beg her to love you again, you are giving your wife a free ticket, saying, "Here, take me for granted", which causes your wife to lose her attraction towards you.

    Even if both spouses love each other sincerely, at times they might find themselves getting more and more distant from each other and getting close to a divorce. But like me, you too can take some steps into saving your marriage and turning it into a satisfying relationship.


    • jjerryr3
      jjerryr3 commented
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      Best response I have ever read.

    • JayKay
      JayKay commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you very much for your advice

  • #3
    Originally posted by JayKay
    What do Woman really want?
    The question "What women want in a man?" is hard to answer because we (women) don't know ourselves. Yeah, no kidding. I can't explain why I like that certain guy - I just like him. Actually I think combination of right qualities is the answer. See below what most women want in a man:

    1. Women want a man to be confident
    This one is the most important. I can be friends with a sensitive man but I want my man to be confident. I want him to be confident in everything, I want to feel his power, want to be under his protection (physical, financial, etc.)

    2. Women want a man with a sense of humor
    If you can't make me laugh you have almost no chance to win my heart. I don't want a boring and too "serious" life if I can say so. I can get this on my work, with you I want to feel fun and spend interesting spare time.

    3. Women want a man to be good at sex
    If you are a passionate lover that's a plus, big plus.

    4. Women want a man to look for his appearance
    I don't want you to look in the mirror every minute but shaving, deodorant, clean and tidy stylish clothes are things you should pay attention to.

    5. Women want a man to be independent
    Yes, I am talking about money here. I know men all over the world cannot be millionaires. And that's not a requirement but you should be financially independent and better a little bit more independent than me.

    And many more. Women always want something from men. That's the given and that's not bad. Women are the ones to inspire men achieve even better results and that's great for both genders. Don't you agree?

