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I'm over paranoid or should i be im just lost atm.



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  • I'm over paranoid or should i be im just lost atm.

    Can't Seem to make wife happy

    I do not know how long or short to make this post.

    To be honest I am confused about what is really happening. it seems so simple and complex at the same time...

    My wife and I have been married for almost 2 years. We have had our tough times in those years but nothing like what I feel is coming or what our current situation could lead to.

    In short, it seems to me that i can never make her happy. She is allways angry and makes me feel like im doing something wrong.
    Just everytime i feel i let her down we seem to get into disagreements more than anything. A small example of this would be i miss pronounced bao bun as baaoo bun and she was telling her friend about it and i said sorry im the worst person in the world then she was angry for the rest of the night.
    I do try to do evething i can i am allways there for her asking her if she needs anything do house work and help out were i can. It just seems that everthing i do i wrong or not as she would like. Also when drinking hall passes keep coming up which she knows i dont like the fact a about them to me why get married if you want one. Everytime this conversation ends in a argument. (Im worried as this is a sign she wants to leave me or something like that.)

    Then there is the other stuff that really worries me.
    I discovered some text msges about other man while she was away for work.

    My wife said "i need help "
    Her friend "to help with what"
    W"thanks not much to say though.for some reason i keep looking back at the wedding photos. No idea why i keep thinking im doing the wrong but it feels better when i do and then i keep thinking about watto and what what he wants (not me) and im unsure how i feel i need to see him and how i feel. Also my body is screwed fuck my periods rip my uterius out.
    F " i understand its the hormones. see watto sunday and get some clarity"
    W " yea i hate waiting. Matts (thats me) matts so sweet and understanding and caring. Understanding and patient. And i have not been in the best of moods lately. He keeps telling me iv been difrent since glendale. And i need to shave my legs meh effort. And i want a bath but the tattoos.
    F" well thats good i think you need some time to your self and truly reflect . Yes matt is sweet but theres not much else is quite right. You need time to your self. Work out everthing from matt to everthing. You should be ok for bath.
    W " im really nervous about tomorrow guess i dont know why i have so many whats running through my head"
    F" what about seeing watto"
    W" yeah. You know what if its awkward what if i can't say what i want what if i look like a idiot"
    F "dont worry guys are dumb"

    Now i did ask my wife about this and she said nothing happened but more i think about it the more i go crazy. And calls me paranoid.

    She said nuthing happened that the msges moved around alot more then they looked "chic chat"

    I was really worried about the fact that she said in the msg that she was going to see him on the sunday but she told me she was going to see her mate. I ask her about this she said she did not even bother to see watto.

    Im worried that im being naive and she brings the fact uo that i should not see her message were on the other hand im a open book were it comes to stuff like that.

    I seriously do not know what to do anymore...
    Did i do aomething wrong.....
    Should i jump off a building( being sarcastic but its how i feel.)
    Does she not want me any more.
    What should i do....
    There is more but i dont want to type any more sorry for the bad grammar.


  • #2
    Originally posted by Reuster86
    Now i did ask my wife about this and she said nothing happened but more i think about it the more i go crazy. And calls me paranoid.
    It might be true that nothing happened but it shows that her heart isn't with you. She might probably be cheating on you or will cheat on you soon.

    Originally posted by Reuster86
    Should i jump off a building
    It will be silly for you to do this. It's best you leave her and be happy with your life again, than to consider doing something like this.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Reuster86
      Does she not want me any more
      From all you have said about your wife, there is a clear indication that she has fallen out of love with you.

      You can get her to love you again and it's even possible to make her love you more than she ever has before.

      Understanding how to make your wife fall in love with you again is all about recognizing where things fell off track. Marriages, like every other relationship, change over time. That's inevitable and it's unavoidable. You and your wife are more mature and seasoned people than you were when you married. You know more about yourself and each other. You have the advantage of knowing what makes your wife tick. You have insight into what makes her happy and what causes her anxiety. You are going to use all of that information to help you build a bridge over the emotional distance that is currently impacting your relationship with her.

      What are some of the things that your wife loves most in the world? Does she enjoy spending time relaxing in a bubble bath after a long day at work? Is there a vacation destination that you two visited that she still talks endlessly about? Consider what puts a smile on your wife's face and then go out and make those things happen for her. Start treating your wife like the treasure that she is to you. You're her one and only husband and you have the ability to make her life a dream come true. It's easy to take small steps that will enrich her life. Even something as seemingly simple as bringing her favorite take out dinner home can change her attitude towards you very quickly.

      Also be willing to really listen to her regardless of what she wants to talk about. It's easy to start tuning your spouse out after you two have been married for a few years. That's especially the case if she goes on endlessly about the same things over and over. She needs to feel that you're not only her husband but her best friend and confidante too. Get her to talk and then stay engaged in the conversation. She'll love you more for being truly interested in her.


      • #4
        If you're tired of trying to deal with a wife who always seems mad at you, it's time to make some much needed changes. That doesn't necessarily mean you need to consider a separation, or more seriously, a divorce. It does mean you need to take more control of the situation and shift your wife's whole frame of mind back into a more positive place.

        Focus on Where Her Anger is Rooted

        It's very easy for a man to jump to the incorrect conclusion that his wife's anger is stemming from her discontent with the marriage. That's not necessarily what is going on at all. Many women, like men, cycle through a period in their lives when they feel disgruntled. They feel that their dreams haven't been fulfilled or they sense that their goals will never be reached. Many people refer to this as a mid-life crisis but it can realistically occur at any time within a person's life.

        Obviously, the most direct route to take when you want to uncover why your wife is so angry is to ask her. This has the potential of backfiring in such a way that she'll become even more exasperated with you. That's why you need to be direct about it as well as compassionate. Just say, in a very non-threatening way, that you've noticed that she doesn't seem as satisfied with her life as she once was. Tell her that you care for her happiness and you're wondering if there's anything you can do to help her. She may pull back initially out of fear of talking about it because it will make her feel vulnerable. Just be understanding and don't apply any pressure to her to discuss it.

        If she has no interest at all in talking about what is causing her anger, drop the subject. You have to get to the bottom of it using your own insight. Watch her more carefully in terms of when she seems most irritable and what triggers appear to set her off. Also, take note of whether or not she seems upset with others or if her outbursts are strictly directed towards you.

        Take on More Responsibility to Help

        One very common reason why women become angry within their marriage is they feel they have to shoulder the brunt of the responsibility of raising the children, as well as tending to the household and all that entails. Many women complain that they try and discuss this issue with their husbands only to find that nothing changes. In time, a woman may become resentful of the fact that she has to take on more of the responsibility for the family and that resentment will manifest itself as anger.

        You can speak to your wife about what she needs help with or you can take the matter into your own hands, and willingly start pitching in more. One area that all women appreciate a bit of extra help with is the preparation of meals. If you're not available to cook dinners, perhaps you can pitch in early in the morning with the making of the kids' lunches or do it the night before. Laundry may seem like a complicated undertaking but it's not. Doing a few loads of laundry for your wife each week, including folding and ironing it, can definitely help her so she feels much less pressure.

        You just need to go ahead and do things that you know will lessen the to-do list that your wife faces on a daily basis. If part of her anger is stemming from her stress level, you'll probably notice a change in her attitude almost immediately after you start helping her out more.

        Offer to Be Her Personal Sounding Board

        Every woman needs a safe place where she can confide her feelings. Ideally in a marriage you want to be this person for your wife. Part of her struggle with anger may be coming from dissatisfaction with her career or perhaps a falling out with a family member or close friend. Offer to listen if she seems troubled by something. Be certain that you make it clear that you aren't there to tell her it's all going to be okay or to offer your opinion, unless asked. Instead, explain that you want her to feel that she can tell you anything. If she feels she needs a sympathetic ear, and you offer to be that for her, that can dramatically change the dynamic of your marriage.

        If part of her frustration in life is your marriage, be open to working with her to improve it. It's incredibly hard not to take a defensive stance when the person you love is being critical of your role as a life partner. However, the first step to improving any marriage is getting all your cards on the table so you know what you're dealing with. The way you handle any conversation about your connection can either make or break the future of your marriage.

        Be open, be compassionate and be as patient as possible as you help your wife work through her anger issues. If you can be there for her as an unwavering tower of emotional strength, you're both going to come through this stronger and more committed to making your marriage better, happier and healthier.

        Pay Close Attention Here-

        Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

