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should I leave?



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  • should I leave?

    My wife an I are working on our marriage. Well, it seems that I'm doing all the work and she is just waiting for things to magically change. She doesn't want to talk about our issues and blames me for all of them. She isn't affectionate or intimate with me for almost a year. When I try to talk about it with her, she gets defensive and starts to attack me and says that "All I care about is sex"
    I'm fed up and thinking about leaving. Although we have made progress in some aspects of our marriage, I can't continue in a sexless, or a non-intimate relationship. Is this a reason to leave, considering we also have a 2 year old?

  • #2
    Living in a sexless marriage can be a frustrating, depressing and aggravating to many men in this situation and this aspect of a marriage can ultimately lead to ending a relationship that does not need to be ended. Love and relationships can be complicated things and seeking sexless marriage advice can be just as confusing sometimes because of the variety of conflicting answers and reasons for this predicament.

    To really find a solution to the problem of lack of sex in a marriage you first need to understand your own unique relationship issues that may be impacting on the situation, more often than not there are multiple relationship problems at work causing your wife to forgo sex and seemingly reject you. If you can narrow down the issues that might be causing such a problem then you have a better chance of fixing the problem.

    While this may seem obvious to some we all know that women are often complicated and to men's instant fix problem solving mind it is hard to penetrate their emotive situation and get the real issue out of the excuses they use because they either cannot communicate it properly or sometimes because they also do not truly understand their problems. Some reasons for your wife losing interest in sex could be among the following:
    • Hating their own body
    • Hating your body (usually an excuse for something deeper)
    • Claiming low sex drive (sometimes a medical condition sometimes an excuse)
    • Boring routine sex becomes uninteresting
    • Boring routine life disinterests them!
    • Hidden grudges
    • Fear of sex
    • Fear of intimacy
    • Stress
    • Lack of communication
    The last point can be applied to many of the other points as well and is a major cause of relationship problems that go far beyond physical intimacy. Some, all or even none of these could apply to your position but finding these things out without being too direct is an essential part of rekindling passion in the bedroom.

    To this end when taking action on sexless marriage advice men must realize that women more than men are driven by their emotions and their emotive state has more impact on their sex drive than physical appearance and other factors that usually drive males.


    • #3
      If your marriage is in crisis, you need urgent action and proven keys to a good marriage and strategies to help save it.

      Did you know that the longer you leave it, the more damage you risk doing? Don't risk pushing your spouse even further away.

      Let yours become the next success story by seeking out tips for happy married life!

      Find the Keys to a good Marriage!

      It's about establishing key actions and patterns to get your individual life back on track, so you may learn to be more at-one and whole with your spouse.

      In doing so you will love being a happy married couple.

      How to live a happy married life is not about tricks and manipulation to get your partner to give you what you want.

      No matter how seemingly irretrievable your marriage may seem, seek the right techniques and attitude, with exercises and daily practices for using the keys to a good marriage which many courses offer.

      The right approach will offer insights and information that will heal the flow of negativity and wrong-minded ego-based fear, self-doubt, and judgement.

      The spiritual metaphysical principles of the Course in Miracles teach that, "The ego always attacks on behalf of separation."

      You will learn to redirect the mental power of your mistakes-- before acting-- into more right-minded optimistic results.

      You will begin stopping the mistakes you may not even know you are making right now.

      Previously I discussed many online courses for how to save a marriage fast and do they prove marriage help for you, whether catholic marriage help or other Christian marriage help or other belief systems.

      Undoing your Mistakes to Save your Marriage

      How to live a happy married life takes some work, but it can be pleasurable with the right course that takes individuals and couples on a journey of self-examination.

      Yes, I mean getting to the heart of what is really happening in bringing out the signs of a bad marriage which you want to heal.

      The Course in Miracles states, "The first obstacle that peace must flow across is your desire to get rid of it."

      It's about both of you healing by undoing the problems and obstacles behind your marriage crisis, and on to what you do want in life, like peace and happiness.

      This is about much more than your love relationship.

      This is going to change the way you live your life.

      I strongly recommend that you seek for change and for a better life and consider some of the recommendations I've included throughout this article.

      If you are serious about actually learning to save your marriage, the tips for happy married life available today truly do work.

      Don't be shy about searching the web for helpful material that has changed the lives and marriages of many men and women around the world and you could be next.

      Please note I always suggest searching the web for good marriage help content, but keep in mind there no save marriage spells for how to fix a broken marriage, but there is action taking that has been proven.

