My wife an I are working on our marriage. Well, it seems that I'm doing all the work and she is just waiting for things to magically change. She doesn't want to talk about our issues and blames me for all of them. She isn't affectionate or intimate with me for almost a year. When I try to talk about it with her, she gets defensive and starts to attack me and says that "All I care about is sex"
I'm fed up and thinking about leaving. Although we have made progress in some aspects of our marriage, I can't continue in a sexless, or a non-intimate relationship. Is this a reason to leave, considering we also have a 2 year old?
I'm fed up and thinking about leaving. Although we have made progress in some aspects of our marriage, I can't continue in a sexless, or a non-intimate relationship. Is this a reason to leave, considering we also have a 2 year old?