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What Should I do



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  • What Should I do

    I met Pearl in a bus, from a job hunt in the capital city back to where I live. she looked younger than her age, but talking to her in the bus I realised she was a little older, though I didn’t ask her age at that time, She told me about where she works , which was quiet interesting. I asked her if she could help me with a job.
    I was desperate to pick myself back, when I had lost everything I ever saved whiles I was outside Ghana. I looked for jobs in every nook and cranny. I had very few friends. Most at times my dad’s friends and uncles who promised me job all disappointed.
    Meeting Pearl in the bus and understanding the organisation she was coming from, I felt she could help me. I was praying she will. Fast forward to when we both got to our destination, we exchanged numbers. I texted her to remind her of enquiring job for me, she mostly replied nicely and sounded very much lovely. Later she started becoming flirty. I felt she was too old for me to flirt with her, but the context of the text made me respond as such to it. She suggested we meet at a place and have a chat. We did meet at a very quiet restaurant which we had a long chat, about her past relationships and all. I also told her about what I involved myself in with my ex and all and how things never worked and how I lost all the money even ones I borrowed.
    Having no money at that time, I still manage to pay for the outing. But when we were done, she said she will like us to do this again. But this time on her bill.
    I was a lonely and desperate for job, and who was I to say no to the little fun that will come my way.
    We did this again and again and onwards, it was her paying the bills and driving me around to the nicest of places. I must confesses I enjoyed every bit of it. I remember she took me to a place far away where we spent the weekend as at that time when we were going we were friends. I knew something will happen. But well she was older and we both know it was easier for a woman to get her way with a man than the other way round.
    We started getting intimate which led to a relationship. Many at times I felt sceptical especially about the age difference. I will call and break up with her, I made her know the age difference was going to worry me. it really did but I was broke mennn!
    Many at times I manage to breakup with her, but sometimes just sometimes I totally had nothing and I call to ask for loan to payback, but then she will be nice again and beg me back and all to be with her etc. she was a giver and sometimes she was the only one I could fall back to. And she gives me money and ask me never to payback.
    In short I must say the small small money she gave me while I was broke made me stay through with her.
    Moving on, I finally got a job in the capital city, where I had to relocate , the salary was nothing to write home about, but I just wanted to work and not overthink whiles at home. I moved in to stay with an old classmate of mine. His place was extremely uncomfortable. There was no toilet even in the house, so if you wanted to use the washroom you had to walk about 10 minute to a university campus close to their house to use it. I slept on the floor, My job then in 2015 was paying me 500 Ghana cedis. When I calculate my transport and amount I spend on food in Accra, I realise I will need more money to stay through the month. But I still took it anyway, at least I thought it will help me forget about Pearl. But no it didn’t. It rather drew me closer to her.
    With my salary I knew I can’t rent any time soon. Because all the landlords wanted a 2 years advance payment. And with my salary, my transport alone and food deducted alone can’t even take me through a month, how much more renting.
    The month didn’t even end, and I had to beg Pearl to borrow me 50gh, but the she will make it 100gh, all those times I had to still date her because I needed money. Well guess what?, she actually paid for rent for me, In fact she wanted to pay for a more expensive please which was like a chamber and hall self-contain. But I told her am ok with just a single room. I don’t mind sharing washrooms. Even that one was expensive to me at that time, yet she paid 2 years advance for me for free. I finally get to leave my friends place and have my own. I was super excited!
    I borrowed the mattress I slept on at my friends place. And that was the only thing in my room aside my cloth. It was all good and nice till she started visiting me from the city I met her. And because it was a far journey, she will come and sleep on the same mattress with me and she kept buying me provisons and all even when I didn’t ask for. But still I wanted to walk out of the relationship.
    I wanted to stop and pay her back when I start making good money, because I was still searching for a job. But well she kept coming to visit me every 2 weeks, and every time she came she gives me money and buys me things for my room. One way or the other she made life easier through my struggle.
    She moved me out to a different place, this time bigger place and paid for it again and asked me to use the refund from the old place to take care of the place. I was supper excited but not entirely because I knew it comes with a price!
    I got another job this time my salary was 800 Ghana Cedis, But I was used to getting money from her so in a month I will say I spend about a 1000ghana because she use to pay for some expenses I didn’t factor in my salary .
    Well she kept reminding me how she was growing and the pressure from family and all. I remember I tried breaking up with her again because I was far from ready, but then outa pity and because of all the things she has done for me, my conscience will make me feel am being unfair. So I will stay.
    Now I had to be bold and reject or be with her. Because in as much as I was enjoying all the money and food, provisions etc., I was wasting her time, and time wasn’t on her side. She was 33, I was 27.
    I broke up with her several time, but again she won’t stop calling, and there were times she will show up to my place without me knowing, and she will come with money , and all. How was I to sack her when she was the same person who paid for for it?
    I realised whenever she comes the pity grew more and I had to allow her in and all. I wasn’t dating or seeing anyone else because I was focused on finding a better job and being a bit comfortable before. And most of the ladies that came my way needed money more than myself.
    Before then to I had introduced her to my mum as my friend before, because she use to drop me at home.
    So one day after a long and thorough thought I had to decide, because either I leave or I marry her she was aging. But then I know I had tried to leave many times but to no avail. I decided to marry her to cut short this dilemma. She was excited tho I knew she had the money to do all. It was all she was wanted. Just for me to say I will marry you then she will use the millions of money she had saved to sponsor the wedding.
    Things happen so quick, within 8 month we were to marry. When I told my folks, My dad didn’t understand. So the plan was to make him think am comfortable enough to marry, we’ll all those comfort came from this woman. She gave me the confident that she has enough to take care of the marriage and we will never get broke. I later realised her salary was like 7 times what I was taken a month. She was comfortable, she had her own car, had a beautiful apartment.
    Fast forward, few days to the wedding. Reality hit me. I realised I was so not ready!. I was just 27 and am starting a career all over. I was then doing well in my job tho the salary was small and it was a one man business kind of company. I was hopeful things will get better so I can pay her back all her money and be free. So I decided to stop the wedding. The tears she shed alone made me felt like am from hell. She had bought so many things with her. What was left with was some few. But I wasn’t the one buying so I didn’t feel the heat till 1 month to it.
    I realised I was way too young , I realised I had not achieved or accomplished anything yet in my life myself because I was living a hand to mouth salary job, but thanks to her I had a place to lay my head and some few freebies I got from her.
    Well things got heated up the more, three weeks to the wedding. My dad suggested we post-pone, My mum was recovering from stroke and I didn’t have to compound her sickness with my confusion.
    I was the most confused person in the world. I decided not to tell my friends. It was later that it hit me that people will notice a mixed audience in the wedding. The woman’s mate being older and my mate or friends being younger. I felt like the world gone see am not ready for marriage. But all these didn’t hit me in the beginning because I was focusing on my job while she was doing the preparation.
    Many people called to talk to me from her family side. I wished I could run away from the country that time. People even recommended pastors for her to pray for me to firm up my decision to marry. I knew many prayers were said on my head that time, but Lord knows I wasn’t ready! I visited her two weeks to the wedding and I realised how lean she had grown. I had really frustrated her. Outa pity I told her we can go ahead.
    I decided to make it private on my side. I never mentioned it to my colleagues at work neither did I mention it to my classmate. I didn’t want my childish friends to ruin a matured wedding. Neither did I wanted to be the new talk in town that a younger guy marries an older woman. Because I bet it was gone be pretty obvious. It was then that I started meeting her friends. The more I met her friends, the more I got depressed. Her friends were grown up women and men, with family, some with two kids some with three kids. So I told three of my friends I trust to represent me as my work colleagues when taking pictures and asked them to keep it private. Because of the age difference, I decided not to do any best man or bridesmaid, because of her bridesmaid will look bigger and older and my grooms men will look smaller and younger , more like child marriage funny huh!. I already wasn’t happy, why will I do something that will attract mockery. So she agreed. Two days before the wedding, I entered a barbering saloon, with a sad face I took a haircut like a normal person. The barber didn’t even know I was getting a groom haircut. I asked the barber to just shape my hair. Cos if I cut the hair down I will look more like a child getting married. So I had to leave my hair and moustache and just shape it.
    I manage to complete the wedding with few friends of mine who came to represent me as my work colleagues. But I stayed strong. Till it was over. I finally got married to her.
    But things were never the same. I was full of regret and wished I was more patient. Sometimes I wished I endured through my struggle and hoped for a brighter day.
    So I came back to the big city where I work. But she lives in a different city. In fact there was no honey moon. I just wanted to make her happy and leave, so she wouldn’t be mocked at.
    A month after the wedding I got two job offers. One was way too good to be true. The job of my dreams. The salary was like 6 times what I was taking as at that time. It was a wow moment. I was sooo excited. Now I can do things on my own. I can pay for my own rent, I can even buy myself a car after a while and live the kind of life I want. But I was married!
    It was at that moment if I had said no, at least I could have paid her back all her expenses, so I can have my life back.
    But it was far too gone. My options now were divorce. But it was too evil and I wondered what people will tag me and my family. I didn’t want my mum to be hospitalized too. So I decided since we are in different cities. Just manage and have your peace. I later rented a much better place the following year. That time I turned 28. All my wife could think of was a baby because she was aging, since she is 34 years, and having a child now was not part of my list.
    In my new apartment, one of my neighbours was a very beautiful lady called Vannessa (not her real name tho), I was older than her. She had a boyfriend who came round most at times, they worked at the same place tho. We became closer even tho she had a boyfriend. A month or two later, Vanessa’s boyfriend dumped her, and she came crying to me. I was there for her and our friendship grew stronger. She didn’t know I was married because I never wore my ring, and I did not want to get the embarrassment again of how you are too young for that. I wasn’t proud to be married. So I told everyone I was single. Not because I wanted to womanise but because I looked too young for that. I had a baby face too so I looked like 24 instead of 28 and also my wife was too old for me.
    So Vanessa and I became closer and closer by the day. It was fun to be with her. We visited places, went to mall, beaches etc without me hiding my face or not pretending to be older than my age like I do for my wife. With my wife I had to pretend most at times or force myself and act like am matured when we go out or sometimes walk apart like we ain’t married. Simply because I was shy of the age difference.
    But there I was with someone I can take pictures with and not worry about looking younger than her or anything. It was totally beautiful. It was so lovely, I bought her things with my money.
    I felt like am the man I had always wanted to be. Buy and take care of things like real men do, not let the woman be dictating or buying for you. We got intimate, had the most active and best sex ever. We could make love the whole night and never get tired. We were naughty together, we lived together so did everything together. But many at times she sees me thinking at night. She wondered why I kept thinking. She sees me happy so was wondering why I am worried often. Many times I wish I could tell her my story, but I know she will freak out and never talk to me again. So I had always kept it as a secret. But she was all I ever wanted in life. She was beautiful, young, energetic and lovely, she had a beautiful plan for our life. Things would a been way easier if I was a little more patient. There I was happy but sad. Happy because I was with someone I really wanted, but sad because I had a wife chasing me to sleep with her to get her pregnant.
    Lord knows I wanted to tell my new found love about my marriage life, but not only will she leave me but will never ever trust or talk to me again. Dating married men was a horrible thing for her as she always says. So once in a while I will travel to Pearl’s city to see her. Well, it was true she was aging and needed a child before it too late. So I decided to sleep with her, all the time I did that my mind was on my new girl and couldn’t wait to come back to her.
    I knew I had messed up and I wondered how I will ever exit from my new girls life , how do I breakup with someone I want to be with forever. I have to exit and be in my miserable marriage. But how do I do it? I finally got my wife pregnant after a year, and I was happy she was happy she will at least have a company whiles I live my life. Still I was with my new girl. We had issues with our landlord so all the tenant had to move out of the house and find a new place. She was excited because she thought it was a better time to rent a place together and save money for other stuff. But I knew in as much as I wanted that I can’t do that because am married. And all I am looking out for is a better way to exit without making her sad. Not just her but me too. I refused to move in with her. I told her it better we do that when we are officially married. She was surprised because we basically did everything together where we live, I mean I never slept in my room again after we started having sex, so why am I saying this ?, she wondered!
    Well, to keep it short she rented a place not too far from where I live now, at least we are not on the same house but we are close, walking distance to my place. In January this year. I told her so many things to make her break up with me, but she wouldn’t. I told her I had a son already, because I was expecting my wife to deliver a son. She asked about it, I told her my son is in London with my baby mama. I lied I know but it was better than telling her am married. She still said she doesn’t care and still loved me and will like to see my son soon. What was I to do.? . Well I have typed a lot and there is more to say. But my question now is, how do I exit without hurting her. Will I ever be happy again? Any advice???

    NB; Please forgive me for the typos I just woke up one day and decided to type it all out.

  • #2
    Originally posted by realme
    A month after the wedding I got two job offers. One was way too good to be true. The job of my dreams.
    You were blessed with this job because you got married, and particularly to Pearl. You must realized you are blessed because of her, most especially because you are married to her.

    I know you are worried because of her age, but you must put that aside and be happy with her and your marriage.

    Ask yourself this question, why is it that you didn't get a job for a long time of searching and you got your dream job just after getting married to her?

    So, don't waste time to get rid of the new girl in your life, do it anyway you can because she isn't part of your success.


    • #3
      Begin making decisions on exactly what you desire to state ahead of time, since no matter how you feel you will be anxious when breaking up and leaving a relationship.

      Your soon-to-be-ex will feel hurt no matter what you say and your reasons why should be discussed very calmly and with self-confidence.

      The majority of people do not understand that no matter which side of the marriage separation, or a girlfriend/boyfriend breakup, you are on, it's always hard.

      Unless your ex was a genuine jerk, you'll wish to discover some way to end the relationship as carefully, yet securely, as possible.

      Following these pointers will offer you some fine breakup help that you might need:

      If you have not currently been attracted to somebody brand-new, it's most likely best to hold off on dating for a while.

      You might have had more time to process your answer to, can a relationship be saved, than your ex has, however you ought to still offer yourself a long time to adapt to your brand-new single life.

      It sounds odd, however even if you're the one who ended the relationship, you can be susceptible to a rebound relationship, too, so give yourself some healing and growing time.

      If you and your substantial other are about to break up there is help out there to reveal how to get it done.

      If you and your substantial other are about to break up and you don't know how to approach it, then, by all means, find some breakup help.

      Do not ever break up with somebody over the phone or in a text message.

      Sincerity is essential, however if 'WHY' you want to break up is that you have actually met somebody else, keep that to yourself.

      When breaking up, be sure to decide what words you will use ahead of time due to the fact that no matter how you feel you will be anxious.

      You might have had more time to process the break up than your ex, however you must still offer yourself some time to change to your new single life.

      Keep it simple and being honest and sincere is essential, however like I already said, but in a different way, if you have already met someone else you do not need to disclose that to your ex.

      You goal is NOT to hurt her, but to make the breakup of the relationship as easy as possible.

      Move forward and go ahead and begin your new relationship, but do yourself a great favor even though you might not desire to, try to keep things low-key and don't flaunt your newer friend in front of your ex.

      Make your new memories together in newer spots around town while keeping in the back of your mind that you certainly do not again want to be mulling over, can a relationship be saved.

      When the break up is behind you do not call the other do not take his or her calls, and don't lie to yourself, you will feel a sense of loss after the break up, too.

      And once again, don't frequent the same café or bar that you did when the two of you were together.

      One last thing, clearly, if your ex tends to end up being violent this guidance will not be of too good of use to a volatile scenario.

      Stay safe and manage the separation or relationship breakup over the phone or in public with a friend or family member alongside you for support.

      (I like to suggest seeking the net for further material on trying to save your relationship and addressing the issues could potentially reach the end of the line and become too hard and disastrous to handle.)

      To success in life and love!

