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Custody issues tearing my marriage apart



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  • Custody issues tearing my marriage apart

    Hi my husband and I are both 31 with a 4 year old daughter. Long story. I found out I was pregnant early on in the relationship and after I had lost my job. Lived with the in laws and my MIL and SIL are VERY INTERFERRING. I get post natal depression because so many things so wrong.

    I studied and tried everything to get work but couldn't. My father made HUGE promises to help us out if we needed and that he would sell his vintage car. We moved out into my SIL place and my in laws were going to gradually increase the days with us and our daughter.

    I tried everything to get work but couldn't. My dad lies that he made these grand promises to sell his vintage car to help us out. My parents inherit twice and knowing that we're struggling, all they care about is going overseas on two holidays, both taking two months. As always all my dad cares about is going on holiday. My husband works long hours but its not enough to cover the expenses.

    We have to move back in with my in laws because we can't afford the place. My SIL is controlling and threatens to keep my child. She says she is a better person "because she earns more money". Constantly threatens and screams me in front of my child. My in laws do nothing.

    I end up leaving and needing my parents help getting my child because my in laws don't let me be alone with my child. Yet they allow my abusive sister in law too.

    I go back to my parents. But they use my husband against me because he's still living with them at that stage.
    He promises me that they won't take legal action and they'll kick my sister in law out.

    I don't know what to do. I made the worst decision and trusted them. I go back and I get a letter saying they're taking me to court and taking custody. And they don't kick my SIL out.

    I was horrified and didn't know what to do. I went home with my parents. And my in laws kicked out my dumb husband after they got what they wanted- my daughter. And my SIL is still living there, even after threatening and calling us a mooch many times.

    My husband talked me back into coming back to him. But I just have too anger. I don't understand how he can be that stupid. That he thought it was more important that his parents destroy our family, than for us to be with my daughter.

    You all said that they wouldn't get interim custody but they did. Now I have to be supervised by my in laws. Which is atrocious.

  • #2
    It obvious you're in a bad marriage. I'll advice you don't go back to your husband but remain with your parents until he gets a better paying job.


    • #3
      You husband isn't a man, hence your in-laws could treat you so badly and he's unable to do anything about it. The best thing to do now is to beg your parents to stay with them while you search for a job.


      • #4
        Hey, this is really sad to know that you had a bad marriage.

