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Am I overreacting?



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  • Am I overreacting?

    My husband and I have been together for over a decade now. He started a new job this year and his hours have been erratic but I have just assumed that was normal. Except yesterday when he lied about his hours, telling me his was working 2 hours earlier than he actually did, Often, I will call him, assuming he was just leaving work and he's admitted that he had finished earlier but had gone to the beach alone. This may be true.
    After I caught him in the lie yesterday, I went through his phone. There was nothing on there in the way of shady text messages, phone calls or photos but his instagram account was filled with bikini models, a whole lot of them. This in itself makes me insecure because although I do yoga, I also enjoy potatoes and bread and cheese and I dont have the body of these 20 something girls. We have a child so I am full of stretch marks and loose skin.

    What would you assume, if your partner did this to you? Am I overreacting? He told me he lied (twice) to me about the work hours for the benefit of his friend. He was there when I called him and called him out on the lie. He said he wanted to come home early from his friend's house and this was the purpose but he didnt need to make excuses, his friend would not care when he left. I would love some advice.

  • #2
    Is him following models a normal thing for him or is this new? I would be concerned if my partner did this and I would feel suspicious as well, so your feelings are definitely justified. He shouldn't have any problem telling you he's going to visit his friend. With that said, you mentioned that "he was there when I called him" so you know for sure he was at his friends house then? If so, maybe he didn't mention it just because he didn't feel it was important to mention. If he was going to be home at the same time either way, maybe he would have mentioned it once he got home.


    • #3
      The fact that his Instagram was filled with bikini models doesn't mean he dislikes you. So, you shouldn't feel insecure about that because it's normal for men to have pictures of models on their phones, but it doesn't mean they don't love their wife anymore. He still loves and cherish you.


      • #4
        From the look of things, he isn't cheating on you but only lied because he wanted to hang out with his friends. I'll suggest you ignore the lie and tell him to be truthful next time.

