I have been married to a Jehova Witness for two years. I understand they have beliefs and practices that are not the same as mine, but I respect his choices and we have never had an problems. Recently he told me a “sister” he has known for many years had divorced and moved to Florida and she wanted to talk to me. Then later that day he brought the phone to me saying it was her. I took the phone and she told me she was a long time friend of his and her marriage broke up because her husband talked to other girls on the phone. She said she wanted my permission to talk to my husband being that he is a married man and she is a single woman. I have never had any trust issues with my husband and found this conversation weird. I told her my husband talks to many different people and I have never had a problem with it. I quickly gave the phone back to him and excused myself to go to the ladies room. I didn’t quite know what to think. I was really thrown off by this phone conversation Later I asked him what was that all about? He said it was out of courtesy that she asked before proceeding to communicate with him. He said “sisters” are considerate like that so wives of “brothers” do not think something is going on. Well I’m just not sure about it. He says they communicate to support each other as Witness “sisters and brothers”. I don’t want to seem suspicious but the whole thing just bothers me. Especially since I have never heard of her before and now all of a sudden she needs my permisson to communicate with my husband. I keep bringing it up for discussion, and he says she has been through a lot since her divorce and he has always been there as a friend for her. It’s just a loving and supporting Witness “sisterly and brotherly” practice. Witnesses are not suppose to spend time alone as unmarried man and woman. So is it different to be talking and texting as a married man and a single woman? I have to wonder really, what is this all about?
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