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Not sure what to do with my wife !



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  • Not sure what to do with my wife !

    Hello everyone I’m a 49 year men who has been married for 20 years and the story I’m about to tell you is amongst the craziest things that has ever happened to me in my life. So here it is and I’m sure it’s going to fire up some feedback which I really need. So my wife tells me she wants a friend to come visit her she is a very successful women who makes a lot of money so I say it’s ok and she says HE will be here on Tuesday. Yes her friend is a man she has worked with him for 10 years and right there I should have said no but I didn’t because I want to be a free thinking man and not be so old fashion so I say nothing an let him come. As soon as he arrives I notice a change in my wife she is groomed much better eyebrows, facial hair all gone and she’s dressing better too which I didn’t think to much of at the time but my radar went up right away. She invites me to dinner with him and immediately I feel like a third wheel they start talking and drinking which is odd for my wife since she hasn’t had more than 2 drinks with me in 5 years she puts 2 drinks down in 15 minutes and mood is different and she’s dressed like I haven’t seen before like forever no joke hair done, dress on high heels and groomed to perfection. Here’s where it gets ugly we get our table called for diinner and it’s a table with 2 cushions seats and one seat on the outside so as I walk to the table she sits down and pats on the seat for her friend to come and sit with her ! Really her exact words “ k&$ come and sit next to me and pats the cushion I was insulted at this point my stomach is turning at this point. To make matters worse she puts her head on his shoulders like 3 or 4 during dinner which is completely out of line. So what do I do with this women I spoke to her and she is clueless she won’t take ownership of the way she acted and gave some BS about this is her friend and she likes to show him attention and this is normal for her. Folks I have a major problem she disrespected and shamed me so bad I really don’t want her anymore. What to you all think about this in the end she drink 4 drinks and was a completely different person. Let me say I don’t think they are having sex but I think doiing this in front of me is worse and Im really having a hard time this. Your reactions please I’m I overreacting ?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Fl1987
    Here’s where it gets ugly we get our table called for diinner and it’s a table with 2 cushions seats and one seat on the outside so as I walk to the table she sits down and pats on the seat for her friend to come and sit with her !
    This is disrespectful from her and it's completely wrong for her to have done this. The fact is that, this act of disrespect didn't just happen when her friend came to visit. She has got no respect for you before now but you never took it serious, until you were disrespected in front of a stranger.

    However, you have been married for 20 years and so you can't just end your marriage because of this little thing. I'll advice you have a one-on-one talk with your wife and resolve this issue amicably.


    • #3
      I think women act this way often when they know they can gain more from the other man. Be a man and let this go, and don't let this mere issue destroy your 20 years of been married.

      However, you need to began to consciously begin to demand respect from your wife.

