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Am I in the wrong?



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  • Am I in the wrong?

    I’m not sure if this is something I should even bring up with my wife. At the end of the day, she is an amazing wife and mother and we try not to sweat the small stuff. I’m just not sure if this is a small thing and Im making something out of nothing.

    We went to a wedding yesterday and my wife spent the day getting ready for it. Hair, makeup, hot dress, the works. We flirted all night, knowing what was in store when we got home

    As soon as we got home, she scrubbed her makeup off, swapped her thong for some granny panties, put her hair in a poneytail, etc.

    I am wrong to be upset that she spent so much time and energy going all out to look great for the wedding but ditched it all before we got intimate? I think she is beautiful regardless but was a bit hurt amd felt like all the effort was for everyone but me

    Last edited by Rsan520; 11-11-2018, 09:55 PM.

  • #2
    From my experience, which is all I can go off’re not wrong to be hurt by her actions. I’ve been in the same situation more times than I could count. But the one caveat is, you first need to be sure that your wife is aware of how you feel. And the only way to achieve this is to not come across as mad, per se, but hurt. Because mad will bring return treatment and hurt is the only chance you have of having your emotions actually heard. Another route would be to stop on your way home from the wedding for a nightcap at a nicer establishment and say something to the effect “you always look breathtaking to me but tonight in particular, I wanted you to stay in your element just a little while longer and just for me”. Then she could see your point delicately without being confronted...which inevitably would just cause the opposite effect to happen. Because (like I said, I can only speak to my situation), I’ve learned that you confronting something like this headon and honestly would just produce comments like “I’d get dressed up for you if you took me out more” or something along those lines.


    • #3
      Women generally like to appear attractive when attending an occasion. Her outfit was to get others eyes on her and not more about you. This isn't an attitude connected to your wife only but women in general. So, you shouldn't feel bad about it, it's normal.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rsan520 View Post
        I’m not sure if this is something I should even bring up with my wife. At the end of the day, she is an amazing wife and mother and we try not to sweat the small stuff. I’m just not sure if this is a small thing and Im making something out of nothing.

        We went to a wedding yesterday and my wife spent the day getting ready for it. Hair, makeup, hot dress, the works. We flirted all night, knowing what was in store when we got home

        As soon as we got home, she scrubbed her makeup off, swapped her thong for some granny panties, put her hair in a poneytail, etc.

        I am wrong to be upset that she spent so much time and energy going all out to look great for the wedding but ditched it all before we got intimate? I think she is beautiful regardless but was a bit hurt amd felt like all the effort was for everyone but me

        Well, 1st of all . I think you should be proud to see your wife beautiful as others see it. Credits goes to you. And some may envy. No it is not an attitude. It is but normal for a woman. The make up stuff , dress and how she presents herself is really tiring for a woman. It's like sort of Heavy Job. At the end of the day a woman wants to be herself , comfortable with the MAN she loves. She feels more beautiful once her husband looks at her with love and desire. But she also needs to know that you want her to look different when you are about to make love to her. So she may know. There is nothing wrong with you.


        • #5
          you are overreacting unless this is not atypical for her sounds perfectly normal to me except why she put panties on before going to bed knowing what you had in mind for her. it is normal for girls to wear worn out panties to bed and save new ones for daytime. old panties are more comfortable and not concerning if get soiled during sleep time or sex.

