Can I ask any ladies, have you greatly desired to have anal sex with your spouse/boyfriend, but just couldn’t manage it?
I’ve always been turned on by the thought of anal sex. Tried it once with a boyfriend (didn’t happen), then somewhat with my first husband. This began with ME asking (I wasn’t coerced), but we never really did make much progress because of pain. I finally said “no more”. Years later we divorced and I was with several guys in that period, but the subject never came up. When I met my present husband, we had a very hot relationship and I asked about it. Not sure if he’d ever had it (we were in our late 40’s) but we tried all sorts of things to make it happen. Different lubes, sex toys, fingering, advice columns, watching porn, etc. I could take him in, but could not stand the in/out motion of intercourse. Painful! I remember climaxing once with him inside me (keeping still) when I was straddling him, and it was powerful! I don’t remember how we finished him, but I’m sure it wasn’t what he’d hoped for!
To give him credit, he’s never nagged me about doing it that way….he’s very understanding and he knows I love fingering and playing with toys there. We’re both in our 60’s now and have slowed down a lot due to health reasons, but I still wish this was something I could do with him. I wonder if it’s just too late? My question is are there are any other woman who really WANT this kind of sex but just found the in/out motion of intercourse too painful back there? Thanks for your honest answers!
I’ve always been turned on by the thought of anal sex. Tried it once with a boyfriend (didn’t happen), then somewhat with my first husband. This began with ME asking (I wasn’t coerced), but we never really did make much progress because of pain. I finally said “no more”. Years later we divorced and I was with several guys in that period, but the subject never came up. When I met my present husband, we had a very hot relationship and I asked about it. Not sure if he’d ever had it (we were in our late 40’s) but we tried all sorts of things to make it happen. Different lubes, sex toys, fingering, advice columns, watching porn, etc. I could take him in, but could not stand the in/out motion of intercourse. Painful! I remember climaxing once with him inside me (keeping still) when I was straddling him, and it was powerful! I don’t remember how we finished him, but I’m sure it wasn’t what he’d hoped for!
To give him credit, he’s never nagged me about doing it that way….he’s very understanding and he knows I love fingering and playing with toys there. We’re both in our 60’s now and have slowed down a lot due to health reasons, but I still wish this was something I could do with him. I wonder if it’s just too late? My question is are there are any other woman who really WANT this kind of sex but just found the in/out motion of intercourse too painful back there? Thanks for your honest answers!