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I Think I Might Be Pregnant and My Mum Won't Let Me Live In Her Home



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  • I Think I Might Be Pregnant and My Mum Won't Let Me Live In Her Home

    I'm 15 (I turned 15 a couple days ago) and I think I might be pregnant. I'm really scared of telling my parents because my mum has always said to me that the day I get pregnant is the day I don't live in her home and my dad gets angry really easily and he can get violent at times. I'm really scared and not sure what to do. A few of my friends know but they aren't paying much attention to this situation and my boyfriend isn't paying much attention either. The only person who is actually supporting me is a 17 year old guy that goes to my school who is doing everything he can to help out which I am so grateful for. But how do I tell my parents? They get really mad really easily. I'm kinda freaking out

  • #2
    I would suggest maybe try moving in with the guy that's supporting you or spend a couple nights at his place and while you're still living with him, tell your mom first and if she threatens to kick you out, at least you have the guy to live with. And with your dad, sit down with your mom and dad at the same time and have your mom as a support area in case he does get violent. But first, mind out if you really are pregnant or not before doing any of that stuff. Hope this helps!


    • #3
      Thank you Mabel. This is definitely helpful. my parents actually found out about everything from my school and my mum immediately told me that i had a doctors appointment. i had a blood test done and it came back negative. my mum did say that if i was pregnant i would either be having an abortion or i would go into foster care. luckily I'm not pregnant and i ended up getting the implanon (also known as the rod) inserted a couple days ago

