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  • Women At Their Most Beautiful

    Women At Their Most Beautiful

    Here's the question du jour, mon frere:

    When is a woman at her MOST beautiful?

    If you're a red-blooded, perfectly normal man your knee-jerk answer may have been something to the effect of, "when she's naked in my bed."

    If your answer involved a more explicit sexual act, I can't really fault you for that either.

    And I'm not going to argue with you.

    But you see, those realizations come to you without my having to write you
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  • 6 Bad Ways To Keep A Good Woman In Your Life

    6 Bad Ways To Keep A Good Woman In Your Life

    Lately it's come to my attention that some should I put this?...aren't exactly doing the right thing to keep the greatest woman they've ever met in their lives.

    As such, they tend to find that if and when they DO somehow attract a truly terrific woman into their world, she tends to want to LEAVE sooner than later.

    This is only natural.

    After all, if you're not confident, neuter (at best) rather than masculine, unable to make
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