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What Kind of Body Language Makes a Man Feel Comfortable and Allured To a Woman?

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  • What Kind of Body Language Makes a Man Feel Comfortable and Allured To a Woman?

    I do have a few questions.

    First, what kind of body language makes a man feel comfortable and allured to a woman?

    Second, with so much relationship advice out there I feel like I could lose track of who I really am. How do I be myself and still be irresistible?

    I don't want to lose any of my interesting quirks.

  • #2
    Your question is a super one.

    Body language can cover so much, from where the hands go to how to sit, walk, stand, open or close arms and so on.

    First of all you have to be relaxed and comfortable.

    All body language (including gestures and motions) should above all be feminine.

    For example, sitting down you can cross your legs at the knees, which is very sexy or you can cross them at the ankles then put them to the right side or left this of your body is sensual but tasteful.

    Whatever the case, the key is to keep the knees together.

    The next time you're in public pay attention to how women sit.

    You will find that nowadays a lot of women sit like men.

    It would be compared to a man sitting like a woman.

    It's a turn off.

    As men definitely notice these things!

    When it comes to dating advice, you have to pick that which makes you a better person.

    There is lots of advice on how to trick men or women and how to fake things.

    There are also a surprising number of books on how to get over bad things without focusing on GOOD things instead.

    Still other advice might tell you, you're a "goddess" and that women can do no wrong, all the while bashing men and offloading the blame onto them for everything.

    Some such books are even written by men (???!).

    This is the kind of advice to avoid.

    Such can often actually increase your personal level of hurt and bitterness-which isn't making you a better woman who will attract a man of high character.

    You don't have to be someone you are not to get a man interested in you.

    Being a great person and knowing how to demonstrate it will be a big help on capturing a man's attraction towards you.

    Remember always that taking advice on "how to get what you want" is never going to impress a high quality man who isn't desperate to date any woman who can fog a mirror.

    Deserving what you want instead is always a better plan to making a man truly want you.

    As far as the quirks, as long as it's not a masculine quirk like burping the ABC's-or something so eccentric so as to become decidedly creepy-I'm sure it is fine to keep.

    Your cute little idiosyncrasies, however unique they are, can be exactly what make you endearing to the type of guy you are most interested in.

    Depending on the quirk it could be used to your advantage... even if it's something like a little snort when you laugh...LOL!


    • #3
      Let's face it, the first signals sent between a man and a woman are non-verbal. The messages you send with your body must be powerful and you have 3 seconds to score the first points.

      Ladies we are wonderfully made by our Creator and we have the necessary allurements to make a very definite impression on the men we survey. There are three powerful tactics that work on just about any man and you can become very proficient at making an inviting impression on that handsome man across the room. It may surprise you that the most powerful body language techniques involve body parts that are all above the neck.

      Your first signals must be sent with your eyes. Why do you think that we spend so much of our make up budget on the eyes? If you make eye contact with a man in a crowded room the message is unmistakeable. Once eye contact is established you should offer a smile. This is as old as time itself and it has always been the initial first step in the dance. Many women get distracted and glance away just when an additional couple of seconds would send a screaming signal to most men. The key at this point is to not stare or glare. Make eye contact, smile, then look away. You might try a rinse and repeat. If your good looking gentleman doesn't come over to introduce himself then his antenna isn't working.

      The second successful tactic is to use your lips. Let's assume your object of desire has come over to your table and introduced himself and engaged in some conversation. If you like what you see and feel interested in further pursuit you could curl your lips in another smile. Smiles are like scoreboards at ball games, they let men know how the game is going. Another tactic would be to gently and subtily lick your lips. Another way of drawing attention to your mouth is to eat something slowly and intentionally. A man gravitates to a woman's lips and you can speak volumes with the lips and tongue!

      The final tactic is to speak the language of attraction with your hair. If your encounter is showing signs of promise you could run your fingers through your hair. When a woman runs her fingers through her hair and brushes it away from her face or neck she is sub-consciously exposing more of her skin and there is a powerful effect on most men. A gentle toss of the head can have the same effect.

      If all is going well up to this point you might notice your prospective date moving in closer to talk. He might even touch your hand or arm while speaking and it would be appropriate to touch his forearm in response. Hopefully this encounter will end with an exchange of numbers and a blossoming relationship.

      Learning the power of body language to attract men gives you a fighting chance in those first 3 seconds!


      • #4
        There are many different tactics for how to seduce a man and many of them involve specific situations or approaches. However there are some tips that will hold true no matter whether you're out to attract a man, find a date or simply move an existing relationship to a new level.

        Any woman can get a man who's interested in her to jump into bed, but the art of seduction is far deeper than just a physical attraction. How to seduce a man properly involves learning how to grow that initial attraction into something much stronger and much deeper.

        1. The Importance of How to Read Body Language

        Most human beings on the planet have an innate awareness of body language - especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Simple signals can tell your man far more about your intentions than words.

        As biological creatures, men and women will look for specific body signals that tell each other when there is a strong attraction present. By consciously displaying some of these body language secrets, you'll be building attraction and driving him wild.

        Use these four body language tricks to be seductive to a man:

        a. Prolonged eye contact

        Be sure to hold your man's gaze directly and give him your best smoldering look. For shy men, this would be best followed with a gentle smile that makes you more approachable.

        b. Signal Submission

        Submission doesn't mean to becoming a slave, it simply means you're submitting to his masculine charms and giving him a signal that you're all his. This is best done by giving him your best 'come hither look' and then dropping your gaze down coyly.

        c. Smile

        A flirtatious, sexy smile goes a long way when you're trying to attract a man. It lets him know you're interested and he's open to make a move. Don't grin or grimace. Make it a sexy little smile and let him know you're interested. This one is Flirting 101.

        d. Hair

        A sure way to drive him wild when learning how to seduce a man is to play with your hair. Moving your hair to expose the side of your neck is a definite way to attract men.

        This is one of those flirting body language tricks that seem so obvious and that you see in the movies all the time. Well, there's a reason you see it all the time: It works!

        2. Confidence

        Regardless of your looks, height, weight or build, men are attracted by confidence. They just love a confident woman who is comfortable enough in her own body to show it.

        Straighten your shoulders, raise your chin and be proud to be you. A little strut to show off your best assets won't hurt either. Just be careful not to overdo it, as you may end up looking arrogant instead of simply confident.

        3. Passion

        The word 'passion' immediately brings to mind rolling around on satin sheets, screaming each other's name. However, when it comes to how to seduce a man, it's your passion for something within your own field of interest that can make you irresistible.

        Men want to know that you're capable of being an independent woman. If you have a passion for a hobby or something about your work, this tells him that you are strong enough not to become dependent and clingy to him and makes you so much more appealing when you have interests outside of chasing him.

        Put all these traits together on your next date and you'll find that you have all the tools you need to attract a man!


        • #5

          Wow! I have learn so much from all of you, thank you.

