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I want to break up but I'm on the fence. Help me decide?

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  • I want to break up but I'm on the fence. Help me decide?
    I am running out of reasons to find joy in this relationship.

    I'm 24, my boyfriend is 27.

    We basically have no similar interests and no desire to take up the other's hobbies or interests which I believe would help us bond.

    I'm in college again to better my life and he says he'll go back but I doubt it. He's a security guard and half the day he sits around on his phone watching Netflix. I applaud him for finding an easy gig like this, but not wanting to do anything else is frankly pathetic in my opinion.

    We haven't gone on a date or done anything besides go for groceries and walk the dog in a long time. He says he wants to but he never initiates anything, and I'm really not interested in initiating anything either.

    We hang out in separate rooms all day.

    Now I'll talk about my bad points because I know it's not just his fault. I'm moody, negative and harsh. I've expressed my concerns about how we never do anything together but he says it's because I'm negative. If I try and talk about the future and things we might do together when we both finish college, he really doesn't have anything to add. And he never brings up the future himself or talks about him going back to school, which is why I don't think it'll happen.

    We've been together 3 years (I think, we don't celebrate anniversaries so I can't be positive), never say "I love you" to one another (because we don't, at least on my end, I don't.)

    We kind of starting dating hastily in the first place.

    If you read all this, thank you, and I want to hear you opinion. I am kind of blowing off steam here, but I mean what I'm saying.

  • #2
    I don't see future for that relationshit


    • #3
      Phew... My candid opinion is to breakup the relationship since you know he isn't your kind of man. However, I will advice you don't rush into another relationship immediately, as it might be a rebound relationship. Rather, it's better to remain single for at least 6 months in order to be able to completely get over your previous relationship. This way, you will be able to make a better choice.


      • #4
        Usually relationships end for obvious reasons. For this relationship though you couldn't ask for a nicer guy but you just aren't attracted to him that way. He would make a good friend and some one to talk to but he just doesn't have what you feel you need.

        So you start to beat around the bush about how you feel hoping he'll catch on. You ask questions like if he still wants to date you or ask him if he ever thinks about other women besides you. Chances are he will get the idea something is wrong but he'll take it away from what you are hinting. He'll ask something like "What makes you think I don't want to date you?" or say "I only want to date you!"

        Give your boyfriend some confidence to decrease his disappointment. Let him know it doesn't bother you when you notice other women flirt with him. Talk with your girlfriends and find out if any of them would be interested in your boyfriend. If any of your friends are interested, let your boyfriend know a lot of girls dream about a guy like him. Make him feel there are many girls who want a guy like him. This will prepare him for when you do decide to finally tell him.

        Choosing a place to finally tell him how you really feel inside should be part of your strategy. It is important to pick a more private place for breaking up in case things get a little hairy. And don't tell him while he is doing something else like driving or something else that might put his or both of your well being at risk. Besides you will want his full attention while you are breaking up with your boyfriend. And be nice to him.

        The place you do pick to tell him should be chosen depending on the type of person he is. For instance a sensitive guy's self-esteem would be hurt if told in a public place. If he is quick-tempered then you definitely shouldn't tell him in a public place. Try choosing some place private such as his place or your place.

        Once you ave broken off with him you both will need a No Contact period. This no contact time will be a time for him to cool off if needed. It will also allow both of you the time to adjust to being apart again and a good step towards getting on with your life. It will also give you time apart to confirm that breaking up was the right idea. You'll never know though if you keep getting reminded every time you see him.

        Remember that finding yourself wondering how to break up with your boyfriend nicely happens in relationships. Best thing to do is to prepare him for what you are about to do. Build up his self-esteem and encourage him by making him know other women are interested in him. Once you tell him how you feel make sure you have a no contact period to adjust to living your lives separately. Remaining good friends will happen if things are done right.


        • #5
          It's better you break up fast


          • #6
            If you haven't already, I agree with what everyone else here has said, the relationship sounds over. You yourself admit it, you do not love him, you find no joy in the relationship.
            I think it's also great that you acknowledge your flaws in the relationship, after you've broken up it might be helpful for you to analyze why you're moody and negative often, and figure out what things make you happy and what types of people bring out the best in you, and try to surround yourself with them. I wouldn't rush into another relationship, take some time to work on getting you back to a happy place.

            Best of luck.

