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Is it really over

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  • Is it really over
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    Last edited by Joe brown; 06-14-2017, 09:22 AM.

  • #2
    I can say that you still have a chance to get her back, but it seems you have been making so much mistake. You have been making mistakes like begging her to get back with you.

    So, in order to increase your chances of getting her back, you need to stop contacting her. That way she will miss you and realize she really wants you.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      There's a common misconception that once a relationship is over, it's over forever. Many couples reunite after some time apart, and the reason is that one partner knew what to do to make that happen. It might seem that the way to go about getting her back once she says it's over is to beg for a second chance until she gives in and grants it. This approach will almost always result in convincing her that she did the right thing ending it. Women don't want to be with men who beg and plead, they want to be with strong, emotionally stable men.

      Respecting her decision to separate when she says it's over should always be your first step. You should agree with her that you need time apart. Don't go overboard and tell her that you think it's a great idea. Just tell her that some distance would be good for you both and you'll use the time to think. That one statement alone will do wonders when it comes to getting her back. Whenever a man says he needs to think, the woman in his life starts to imagine what it's about. If you seem in control and fine with the break up, it's going to eat at your ex.

      Don't make the mistake of trying to make her jealous to get her back. This is a very bad idea for several reasons. Once your ex girlfriend sees you with another woman she'll never be able to get that image out of her mind. If you want to get her back, focus on yourself instead of other women. Do everything you can to improve your own life so your ex will be impressed. You want to show her what she's missing.


      • #4
        The first thing you must do before you try to get your ex girlfriend back is to think about why she dumped you in the first place. Did you cheat on her? Did you not spend enough time with her? Did she find someone else? Once you discover the reason for the dump, you will be able to work out a plan for getting her back. It is also important to realize that not every ex girlfriend is going to come back. If she found someone new or if you cheated on her, you may never be able to get her back, no matter what you do.

        If you have discovered why she left you, think about what you can do to change the circumstances. For example, if she left because you were very controlling or you had anger issues, get counseling to deal with these problems. Once you are able to work through these issues, your changes of getting your ex girlfriend back will increase significantly.

        The next step to getting your ex girlfriend back is to give her some space. Don't call or text her constantly. Leave her alone for a while to give her time to miss you. Then you may want to send her flowers at work with a brief note that says you miss her. After a few days you may want to call her and invite her out for a cup of coffee or a drink.

        When you meet her for the first time after the breakup, don't be pushy. Just have a nice conversation and catch up on what's been happening in her life. Don't start questioning her about why she left or if she is seeing someone else. She may tell you that she is seeing someone to get your reaction. If this happens, just smile and wish her well. Getting your ex girlfriend back will be a lot easier if you can show her that you want what makes her happy.

        You also need to remember that she may not come back right away. She may date other guys for a while. If this is the case, just stay in casual contact with her and let her know that you are always there for her.

        Getting your ex girlfriend back is possible if you know what to do and what not to do. It is a great idea to study some informative material on relationships and learn how the female mind works. By becoming more in tune to the female psyche you can get your ex girlfriend back.


        • #5

          Originally posted by Joe brown
          I really do miss her but ive acceppted that its over
          You have made the right decision. Move on and get your life back.

