Hey peeps,
So I'm in college and this freshman girl I liked and have been hanging out with confessed to me online. We met and talked about it and she didn't want to get into a relationship but was up for a hook-up. The thing is I didn't know she was that kinda person till then - she's never had sex but has made out with guys. I liked her for something deeper and I couldn't bring myself to be up for the hook-up cos I knew I'd get attached. She said she wanted to try out new things while she could and didn't want to get tied to a relationship and didn't see herself getting into a relationship anytime soon.
After the talk we just decided to be friends, but I'm starting to beat myself up at not hooking up with her and I'm getting also a bit hung up about her. Some people say to wait for her and others say to move on because it seems like she doesn't see me as someone she can get with long-term. I'm now at this point where I'm regretting turning down the hook-up but it's still not too late to go for it. Should I wait for her, try to hook-up or move on? Also, do yous think that she only sees me as a hook-up and nothing more?
So I'm in college and this freshman girl I liked and have been hanging out with confessed to me online. We met and talked about it and she didn't want to get into a relationship but was up for a hook-up. The thing is I didn't know she was that kinda person till then - she's never had sex but has made out with guys. I liked her for something deeper and I couldn't bring myself to be up for the hook-up cos I knew I'd get attached. She said she wanted to try out new things while she could and didn't want to get tied to a relationship and didn't see herself getting into a relationship anytime soon.
After the talk we just decided to be friends, but I'm starting to beat myself up at not hooking up with her and I'm getting also a bit hung up about her. Some people say to wait for her and others say to move on because it seems like she doesn't see me as someone she can get with long-term. I'm now at this point where I'm regretting turning down the hook-up but it's still not too late to go for it. Should I wait for her, try to hook-up or move on? Also, do yous think that she only sees me as a hook-up and nothing more?