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He's stopped pursuing me, what should I do about it?

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  • He's stopped pursuing me, what should I do about it?

    I've known this guy a few months now. At the start I wasn't the easiest person to get to know. I admit I had my walls up. He pretty much even said so. He would try calling me and I'd barely be able to get back to him. Then he said he refuses to be a texting friend and it was nothing personal I.e. he doesn't want to speak to me anymore.

    Following this I started making more effort and calling him and vice versa but we kept missing each other's calls. He's in law enforcement so has to work long hours. Anyway what happened was we both resorted to messaging each other and he initiated aswell. But then all of a sudden he stopped for five days so I had to break the silence. He then told me he was surprised I still want to keep in contact since he was busy and couldn't make the usual effort. I said it's totally fine that a life sometimes. He then told me to let him know when I'm free that night so he could then call. Unfortunately I came home pretty late then knocked out but messaged the next day to say I simply fell asleep. He said it's totally fine.

    since then another five days has gone where he hasn't initiated contact, the last time that happened i broke the silence so i don't want to initiate again. I'm waiting on him.

    I just want to know what to do from here? Is he not bothered anymore?
    Last edited by ayla13; 09-04-2019, 09:29 AM.